Right now STO will not launch because it does not detect DirectX 11 support.
This is an error. Crossover does support DirectX 11 through DXVK and MoltenVK. The problem is that the launcher is 32-bit, and right now, MoltenVK doesn't support 32 bit applications. So the launcher doesn't detect DirectX 11 support and refuses to launch the game (which is 64 bit and would run fine otherwise).
This issue has been reported to MoltenVK upstream and they believe it will be solved in "months", not years.
But until it's solved upstream and integrated into Crossover (or until Codeweavers creates a workaround that allows a 32 bit app to detect DirectX 11 support), STO will not run on MacOS.
Thanks to Jakob Müller for tracking down and diagnosing this issue.