I've been able to get the WinXP spider.exe program to work under:
CrossOver Linux Pro 4.0.1 under SuSE 9.0
CrossOver Linux Pro 5.0.0 under SuSE 10.0
CrossOver Mac 6.1.0
Here are some details for others who may want to try.
Under CXoffice 4, add the following to .../dotwine/config:
"Windows" = "win2k"
then start it with a command like
wine spider.exe
where you may have to use the full path of both wine and spider.exe (which can be anywhere).
This works flawlessly for me under SuSE 9.0, but hangs under SuSE 10.0 when moving cards.
Under CXoffice 5, create a win2000 bottle, usually $HOME/.cxoffice/win2k, then start with
wine --bottle win2k --start spider.exe
This works flawlessly for me under SuSE 10.0.
On a Mac under CXoffice 6, I believe I made the win2k bottle the default, and could then start spider.exe simply by double-clicking on it. Again, appears to work flawlessly.
On all 3 platforms, a win98 bottle (the default) fails. And you can't "install" spider, since there's no installer --- don't try; there's no need.
PS: For linux, gnome-games has a quite good spider version as part of "sol"...