I'm working on phasing out the Windows 98 bottle template. As such, I've been looking out for new profiles that use that template, and I saw your application profile for Soned2 defaults to it. (I understand that profile isn't ready, and as such you've not published it yet, but I have no easy way to watch for the win98 template in published profiles.) So, uh, could you arrange it so that some other template is first?
As for programs in archives with no installer, we generally handle it this way:
- Set "Installer Globs" to :stop: so that we don't attempt to run an installer. (CrossOver will extract archives, but it'll normally look for an installer inside the archive, and that's what we want to prevent.)
- Use "Files to Copy" to copy the files into a new directory in %ProgramFiles%.
- Use "Lnk Files" to create a link to the main executable.
- Use "Installed File Globs" to look for the main executable where the profile puts it in %ProgramFiles%.
Here's an example of a profile that does this: http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/browse/name/?app_id=7702