This is just for the Sketchup 8.0 and 8.1M free version, not Pro.
Test system: Intel Core2 Quad, 8GB Ram
OS: Fedora 11/Crossover 10.0 Pro, Fedora 14/Crossover 10.0 Pro, Windows XP Guest on VirtualBox VM (for comparison)
Fedora 11:
Screen refresh lags one click, makes erase and paint tricky at times, Skindigo Exporter plugin works as long as you do not try to open the render from the plugin, or change any settings. Just save the export file, manually open Indigo, load and render, or it is instant crash for Sketchup. Same for SU2Kerkythea plugin. Save the export file and open, or Sketchup dies instantly.
SU2Kerkythea plugin takes very long to process, an hour or so for the same file that exports in minutes on XP in a VirtualBox VM. Not all materials are exported, but this seems to be a Kerkythea bug, not Sketchup/Crossover, as I get same results from the XP setup. Also, Kerkythea for Windows running in Crossover seems to find more of the materials in the same export file than Kerkythea running native on Fedora.
Drawing lines: cursor pauses an eighth-inch or so (screen-distance, not to scale) from pre-existing endpoints. It will hang for several seconds before snapping to the endpoint. This happens when drawing or starting a line or guide. Seems to happen on every line. There is a normal wandering of the cursor as it snaps to every nearby grid-point, but it releases immediately, and then just as you get near the endpoint you need, it freezes for a second or more. This does not seem like very long, but when it happens on every line, it gets annoying.
Why bother: Large files with many edges bog Sketchup down on Windows. I start seeing a slight lag at about 10,000 edges and textures and components disappear when moving around the model, replaced by flat color and bounding-box, respectively. 30,000 edges is almost completely unusable: I can draw a couple lines, then wait 10-15 seconds for it to catch up, and do it again. Orbiting or just shifting the model slightly to get a better angle is likely to need several 15-30 second lags, and the bigger the model, the worse it gets. I can drop a 60,000-plus edge model into Sketchup on Crossover and shift around it with no pausing, freezing or color/component drop-out. So far the plugins I regularly use work, or work well enough.
Fedora 14:
Sketchup installed but would not run at all. Crossover is up and running, as I have installed MS Office 2007 on that setup and it runs as expected. I saw listed under Sketchup 8 Pro that .net framework is required, I will try that when I get a chance. It should have been installed with Office, but may be in a different bottle.