I actually found 2 demos of this game, one called 'sins of a solar empire UK demo kalypso'
and the other 'sins of a solar empire demo' -- I download the first of these and gave it a go...
'sins of a solar empire UK demo kalypso' tries to install, but at about 75% of progress bar,
the -installer- has some undefined internal error and bails. Funnily enough, checking inside
the bottle itself, -most- (but possibly not -all-) of the files have been copied into place,
and although things died along the way, I decided to try run what was there....which tries to
run but then hits a brick wall with 'file not found' errors and slowly is dies a natural death...
I'll download the other demo today and see what happens there...
Edit: The other demo does roughly the same thing during install, although this time I was
hit with one of those rare and perplexing windows from the installer, saying that it had
failed with error blabla, and under that a tick-box (which is checked) proclaiming 'Run
Application'....of course, it doesn't....
However, if you use cxsetup=>configure=>control panel=>run and manually launch the game
executable, it does start up and swing into the intro movie business. After that, I was
left with a mostly white window with version number in the corner...and sound...then I
suddenly realized I was actually looking at the game's main menu...even though I couldn't
see it....I played with the cursor keys a bit and hit enter and it crashed...or maybe I
just selected quit game but don't know that because I can't see anything...
It definitely needs d3d9_36.dll but that's all I've discovered this far, except for
crashes all ending with a "fixme:winmm:MMDRV_Exit Closing while ll-driver open"...
Edit: Needs Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 redist. installed into same bottle (adding this
to the bottle get the slowly rotating planet appear in the menu-screen)....actually, I've
discovered adding Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 gets the planet, adding Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
adds other things -- putting Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 in the same bottle results in a
menu screen white-out and you see nada....(reinstalling ;)....