I've been thinking about buying Sins of a Solar Empire since some people seem to be able to play in in CXG. However, I am still smarting from my discovery that I can no longer play GalCiv 2 in Crossover because the activation scheme requires Impulse (which requires .NET) and will fail if I install it in Windows, then copy it to my CGX bottle (it thinks it is running on a new machine, and requires re-activation). So can anyone tell me whether or not SoaSE will require re-activation once I copy it into my CGX bottle. If it does, then it will be impossible for me to play. What I need to be able to do is download and install, then patch it to the latest version, all via Impulse in Windows, then copy the folder into my CGX bottle, and I need to know if that will work before I drop $30 on it.