Hey everybody,
my problem is, that Sim City 3000 can't find the disk after installing with crossover. What can i do? Can you help me?
Thanks a lot!
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Hey everybody,
my problem is, that Sim City 3000 can't find the disk after installing with crossover. What can i do? Can you help me?
Thanks a lot!
We might be able to help troubleshoot, but my experience is that SC3K is very finicky about the exact combination of CrossOver version, emulated Windows version, system you're running it on, settings, and which socks are being worn. (The socks comment isn't serious, but there does seem to be a lot of luck/chance/mystery behind if it works or not on a given moment.)
First, what is your system and configuration information?
CrossOver Linux 16.2.0beta1
Install location: /home/mark/skami/samtci/linux/cxoffice
64-bit OS
Desktop session: /usr/share/xsessions/plasma
Window manager: KWin
Locale: en_US.UTF-8
Contents of /etc/os-release:
cxdiag output:
"Title"="Missing 32bit libcapi20.so.3 library"
"Description"="Provides support for some ISDN cards. Very few applications need this."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libgphoto2.so.6 library"
"Description"="Lets Windows applications access digital cameras."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libgphoto2_port.so.10 library"
"Description"="Lets Windows applications access digital cameras."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libgsm.so.1 library"
"Description"="Lets Windows applications use the GSM codec for audio compression and decompression."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libsane.so.1 library"
"Description"="Lets Windows applications access scanners."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libv4l1.so.0 library"
"Description"="Lets Windows applications access video devices."
"opengl.vendor"="NVIDIA Corporation"
"opengl.version"="4.5.0 NVIDIA 370.28"
"opengl.renderer"="GeForce GTX 560/PCIe/SSE2"
"opengl.glsl_version"="4.50 NVIDIA"
CrossOver Forums: the place to discuss running Windows applications on Mac and Linux