CrossOver Games 8.1.4 Linux
Zenwalk 6.2
Old laptop with Pentium-M @1400 MHz, Radeon Mobility 9000
The installer is generally fine, but it has these minor bugs:
- there is a decorative text telling the name of the installer, in the bottom of the window, above the buttons; the decorative line in that area strikes plainly through this text
- the data-field for the installation folder target is always empty no matter what you choose with the Browse button; if you write something in this data-field, it will not affect the target chosen with the Browse button; the application will be installed in the target chosen with the Browse button
- in the last step of the installer, there is the check-box for launching Silo; the check-box is invisible until you click on it by accident or by guess
Then Silo starts normally, and its custom UI works 100% fine, except that the viewport is totally black. This renders the app unusable unfortunately.