There has been substaintial improvement in the speed and the choppy sound since 2.1. It is still there but it works a lot better than it did. Im running suse 9.1 athlon 2500+ with 1000MB of ram
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There has been substaintial improvement in the speed and the choppy sound since 2.1. It is still there but it works a lot better than it did. Im running suse 9.1 athlon 2500+ with 1000MB of ram
I tried it with Mandrake 10.0 and a 800Mhz intel pentium III and it just doesn't work. Most of the time the initial screen of Shockwave appears but it does nothing else. Trying to play domino at becomes impossible. Hope the speed inproves because I would move some people to Linux If they could play they beloved online games with it.
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