We of course cannot distribute the Microsoft Fonts. However we have found an substitute. We make use of the Ume Fonts. Having done a lot of work in Japan the Ume fonts have served us quite well. Our Japanese version comes with a font installer that will install these fonts and set them up. However due to lack of demand and size we do not distribute them by default with the non Japanese version.
You can however download them here.
access-key: jpfonts
jpfontsetup.exe.so is for mac
linux-jpfontsetup.exe.so is for linux
if you then run that command either using wine in a terminal or the Run Command... dialog on the mac you should then get an Ume Fonts package installed. This package includes replacements for MS Mincho, MS Gothic, MS PMincho and MS PGothic. We do ship an Ume UI Gothic as a MS UI Gothic replacement by default, though this package will install a more updated version of Ume UI Gothic.
What I will try to do is build this package as a standard exe in the future. (instead of a mac/linux split exe.so). I will also try to keep the file at that location updated so that if there is any change with a release they file in that location will represent the most modern version of the fonts we distribute.