Hi Vincent,
Just a couple of pointers for you, to help you learn your way - I do know you're relatively new around here, and it's pretty normal for new comers here to to make an 'Ooops!' without actually realizing it - you probably didn't know the exact situation ; it happens all the time B^)
I've deleted your note in admin.dists for this title - reason: the note area in admin.dists is meant to pertain to the actual game distribution, not* to which OS, distro, or anything else. Those areas are covered by medal rankings (for OS type), and forum postings and/or tip&trick entries (when it comes to mentioning installation and so forth). The notes in admin.dists should really only be used to indicate a specific situation relative to that particular -game- distribution ...ie; "works but requires additional configuration - please read the tips&tricks" or such and similar.
Do not post Crossover based results over in WineHQ - I have been told by a wine-dev that they are not interested in Crossover reports entering WineHQ AppDB (I was told this when I did exactly the same thing 8-) - reason: Crossover 10 is not wine-1.3.9 -- Crossover 10 is based on* wine-1.3.9, but then other Crossover specific patches are added, that are not part of wine pure. This means, that any result you obtain in Crossover, aren't really indicative of the position in Wine (vice versa as well of course), so as a rule of thumb, report results related to Crossover here, and report results related to running the same app using wine pure, over at WineHQ. Here, we don't really mind people talking about there experiences with wine, but it's best to keep Crossover chatter out of the halls of WineHQ, to avoid incurring wine-dev wrath!