I couldn't find any differences between running Scientific WorkPlace 5.5 under "Crossover" or "wine"... Both share the same bug - that is, the graphic engine from the CAS attached to SWP seems to crash. More specifically: write (in math mode) a 2-variables function, like f(x,y)=((xy)/(x²+y²)), plot it (for example rectangular - it should generate a surface in 3D), left-click the plot (so that two menus should appear on the bottom right corner of the plot); when you press the above button (should be something like a red sphere) the "vcam" component should be activated - and it is not... Instead you get a crash-dump and the program ends/crashes (no saving...) .
Also you don't get a plot for either 2d or 3d (but the product doesn't crash)
Other problems (smaller, but still...): seems to be a problem with the fonts the product is using... and with the refresh rate...
The rest of the features of the product seems to work (more or less...).