After installing Runes of Magic there are 3 apps created: Runes of Magic on the, Runes of and Uninstall Runes of The second file starts up the normal game, but the first one opens the home page on my Mac browser and not on a Windows browser. I get the message that it only support Windows if I open it on my Mac browser.
So, I install Internet 7 with Crossover in the same Runes of Magic bottle and a new app is created Internet Explorer (Runes of Magic).app in a directory higher than the game. The above Runes of Magic on the stops working and displays the message 'Unable to open the Internet Shortcut "C:\Program Files\Runes of Magic\Runes of Magic.url" '
The Internet Explorer (Runes of Magic).app does startup IE 7, but in the wrong home page. In the pulldown menu "Tools" you'll find "Internet Options" and you manually have to change the home page to and apply to save the changes. After logging it asks you to install the KalydoPlayer v4. You accept but after downloading it, it doesn't know what to do with the file.
It shows the following dialog box (see screenshot):
File Download - Security Warning
Do you want to save this file, or find a program to open it?
Name: KalydoPlayer_4.07.20[0]
Type: Unknown File Type, 2.30MB
Find Save Cancel
I saved the files in a separate made subdirectory "Web game" of the game directory I thought, but it ended up in /Users/iMac/Documents/Runes of Magic/Web game. The file KalydoPlayer_4.07.02[0] has no extention. I add a .txt extention to see if I find any clues in the files:
- I found the web site "" in there and it directs to (multiple Kalydo browser games) and http:// Apparently the player is an ActiveX control file, but that doesn't help me much. Perhaps other advocates can help me with this?