I was looking for a cheap version of
Rosetta Stone Italian and found one from
a seller in Hong Kong.
I got the package and opened it up
(it looks like an actual official version
of Rosetta STone Italian)
when I tried to install it, even though
it said Mac/Windows, it only shows setup.exe
files... no package or image things like on
a Macintosh. So I figured I need to try
a program like Crossover to run a windows version...
I have Mac OS 10.7.3 so I figured maybe my OS
couldn't deal with the older version of Rosetta
STone (version 3) so I bought the CrossOver software
version 10.2.0 because I figured it would run
Rosetta Stone.
So I am puzzled. Crossover seems to install the
program, but then when I try the choice to
run installed software, the little symbol shows
up as if the program is opening up... then
I don't know much about Crossover, but should
Rosetta Stone work, or not...
Any ideas of what else I can try?
Any advice would be wonderful.
thank anyone for assistance
-- Bill Walker