Not having this game myself, I can't verify any of this...but...
over on the atari website I found this reference (in the support
section) ;
[i]RollerCoaster Tycoon Scenario Progress Recovery Tool
Patch Notes
"Due to a bug in the early versions of RollerCoaster Tycoon, you may find that your progress through the scenarios is reset when Windows changes you PC's clock between normal and summer time / daylight saving time. This problem was fixed in later versions, and updating the game to the latest version will prevent this problem affecting you. We apologize for this problem, and if it does affect you, download this recovery file and follow the directions above.
You will only need this recovery tool if you do not have one of the expansions for the game. To recover your progress you must perform the following:
- Un-Install the game (Make sure you DON'T delete saved games when prompted)
- Install RollerCoaster Tycoon from the original CD, but DON'T start the game
- Install Added Attractions / Corkscrew Follies from the CD
- Start the game as normal - The scenario progression should then be restored
Now, that doesn't have anything to do with your problem perse, but, it's interesting
to note the procedure stipulates NOT running the game until %after% the addons
have been installed...who knows, there might be a clue hidden in that outlay...
Also, I notice atari have moved their site/files around a bit...have a look in here;
...and here...
..and even in here...
Like I say, I don't have this title, so I can't test any of those patches...but...patches
tend not to exist without a reason, so maybe there's a solution there just waiting for
someone to discover? ;)
Oh, one other thing...at the bottom of the above quoted support article, it said to download
and install directx runtime -- when RCT was released, it was back in directx5 days, so it's
entirely possible the patches themselves necessitate you install directx9 into the same bottle,
as such may be required by the patches.
Hope this helps, and good luck!!