Link to directions:;tips=1
I have been at this for hours and I just can't figure this out.
I got through steps 1 to 3. However Step 4 is where it gets complicated.
What does it mean by "your bottle's drive C"---How do I get there and how do I find the .dll files?
Second, where is /windows/system/32---I have no idea where this is and how I was suppose to move the .dll files into it?
What does inserting RON Cd have anything to do with step 4 and if it does how so?
How was I suppose to open regedit in "the bottle" and import RoN.reg? Is this "the bottle," the one created in step 1?
Well that's as far as I got. These directions are very hard to follow for someone who is not as computer literate as the people who post these. It would help a lot if I could get directions that were made for someone who has no idea how to get to things like gm.dls or /windows/system32/drivers. Thank you.