I get coin locked every other time I sign into the game. It isn't a
very big problem to alt-tab, read the code in email, and alt-tab
back, but it's not convenient either.
Anyone else have this issue?
I might try the mobile authenticator, though it looks just as
inconvenient (maybe more) to use that to sign in every time as it is
to do the coin lock routine.
as far as I know, coin lock simply is a check of your user-id vs your current public IP address, if that changed then your coin locked, so that would mean that your ISP is giving you a diffrent public IP every X time..... not sure what the rule is there, I know my modem gets a lease on the IP number for 3 days and it remains the same as long as the modem renews it before it expires of even if expired before someone else gets it.
not sure if the mobile authenticator removed coin lock, I doubt it ?
anyways, you could check http://whatismyipaddress.com/ each time you get coin locked, if it remains the same each time I would contact trion, if it changes well then coin lock is correct.