This is a placeholder for those effected by this issue ; folks are not
reading other threads here so related, creating new ones (about the very
same issue), and it's starting to look really 'messy'.
I'm pretty sure the problem is known by the Codeweavers devs, and you
can bet they're looking into it in an effort to effect some resolve...
In the meantime, might I suggest every/any person affected by this,
take note of this posting and not go 'recreate the wheel' -- do feel
free to post here, consider submitting a support ticket about same is
even better, but please, try to adhere to The Fine Print when you
post to the forums, to wit, "[b]Read other people's messages before posting
your own to avoid simply duplicating what has already been said.[/b]"
That advice is actually there specifically to avoid messiness like this =)