hello people
i new in this world, i have suse 10 and db2 8.2 i need to install
Remedy Action Request System 6.3
but i got this problem
Updating AR System configuration file /usr/ar/linux/conf/ar.conf
DB2 error encountered: -1092
Check /usr/tmp/arErrorLog for complete details.
AR System installation terminated at Stage 3: Set up AR System database and directories.
The new AR System directories are installed. The previous
AR System directories have been saved with .bak suffix.
Check /usr/tmp/ar_install.log and /usr/tmp/arErrorLog
to identify the problem. If necessary, call Technical Support
to resolve the problem.
inside arErrorLog there is this information
[b]DROPping the database ARSYSTEM...
--- error report ---
ERROR occurred : dropping the database.
SQLCODE : -1092
SQL1092N "ROOT " does not have the authority to perform the requested
--- end error report ---[/b]
i don't know what to do about it, someone knows?