The G4-Demo version is a free download offered by Great Planes to allow R/C enthusiasts to evaluate the retail version. Overall, the Demo version works fairly well considering the G4 series increased demand for graphic resources compared to earlier versions. The application is unique from the retail versions in that it provides a keyboard to control simulated aircraft if an I-Controller is not recognized. This also offers testers and interested developers the opportunity to view program functionality without requiring the I-Controller. The application provides three different aircraft, one chopper and two airports.
Test Environment:
Phenom II 3.0, GTS 250 (nvidia driver 319.49), Fedora-19 x86_64, Crossover Linux 12.5.0, winXP bottle, Virual Desktop.
Installation and Running the Application:
Simply download the free demo verson from RealFlight and see Installation Tips to install. When the application is opened the Great Planes logo will appear then an error message "Error: E_FAIL File: .\DXControllerG2Interlink.cpp Line: 119". Dismiss each ocurrence of the error (3 times) with the ok button. The application will then open and present the default trainer for flight with a paved runway. The simulation runs quite well with a decent frame rate and no noticable graphic hesitation although it is somewhat tricky to control with the keyboard.
None as far as using the application with a keyboard. If one has an I-Controller from a retail version, the application will recognize it in a Windows System for use in controlling the virtual aircraft but Linux with Crossover will not yet recognize the controller until usb/hid support is available in Wine.
Updated: 09/04/2013