I still encounter the problem.
This is how it looks:
The only way I can run Ragnarok without this issue is if I have the following settings:
- "Emulate a virtual desktop" unticked in CrossOver Game's winecfg
- "Full Screen Mode" unticked in Ragnarok's Setup.exe
If I do this, however, Ragnarok runs full screen (my resolution is 1440x900) regardless of what resolution I try to set it at in RO's Setup.exe.
I'm currently trying to run the game in windowed mode (via winecfg) to have it smaller -- but I keep encountering this flickering problem.
This flickering problem occurs when:
- "Emulate a virtual desktop" is ticked
- "Full Screen Mode" is ticked
(In example above, resolution is set at 800x600. Problem still occurs with different resolutions set.)
With these settings, the game still functions -- the graphics are just all warped, with that constant flickering occupying 2/3rds of the window.
I have also tried:
- "Emulate a virtual desktop" ticked
- "Full Screen Mode" unticked
With these settings, the game does not start at all -- just a jumble of graphics, duplications of graphics I already have displayed on my screen (nothing RO related).
This is how it looks:
I know it's possible to play RO in windowed mode -- I've seen screenshots. But I have not managed to get it to work. What settings should I be using?
To note:
I've noticed that this flickering occupying 2/3rds of the screen space occurs only when "Full Screen Mode" is ticked in Setup.exe -- this is true regardless of whether or not "Emulate a virtual desktop" is enabled in winecfg.