Sorry for not replying to this faster... seems I don't get these messages in my email anymore. Anyway, I'm not familiar with how Crossover runs on Mac. I've been running it in Linux for a couple years, but I know the frustration of clicking with no effect.
I hate to say it, but if you haven't ever used the in Mac, this is the time to start getting familiar, especially for troubleshooting Crossover. However, running it in the Terminal--i.e. from command line--depends on where the Crossover is installed, and where Ragnarok.exe is installed. Is there anybody with a Mac who can help with this?
When I used to run crossover in Ubuntu "/opt/cxoffice/bin/wine Ragexe.exe 1rag1" or "/opt/cxoffice/bin/wine Ragnarok.exe" but that's only if I already was in the folder where Ragnarok was installed. Check out the tips and tricks--be warned, you may be getting your hands dirty. If this gets a bit much, you might want to consider using a dual boot scenario as well.
Things to try--Did you:
- Install Internet Explorer 6.0 into the bottle with Ragnarok?
- Try grabbing the two .DLL files mentioned in the "known issues" section from the internet?
- Have the Microsoft font packages installed?
Good luck. Again, I haven't run Ragnarok in awhile, so these instructions may work, or you may burn down your house.