abeta wrote:
I can fiddle with the DLLs over the weekend (hopefully). Backed up
with a number of things. I've used dll-files.com for DLLs in the
past when I couldn't copy them from a Windows machine. Use at your
own risk :).
That's OK, thank you, I've downloaded them on some dll site. Copying them in the system32 folder doesn't change anything to this racer connection issue. At least in my brand new winxp bottle…
As I was a bit annoyed it still doesn't run, I've tested Ruud's trick : I've replaced, in racer.ini, server= for server=localhost but only once the game was running (as racer.exe rewrite this once launched) and tada! It runs! I've finally seen this damn lambo on carlswood 😀 !
On my MacBook Pro (Nvidia 9400M) I have some 55fps with low settings and 25fps with reasonable ones (no motion blur and no MSAAx16), I'll test it on my iMac.
So glad it works, finally!
Don't know how we can hack this rewrite thing, cause it a bit annoying to re-save the racer.ini file each time you launch the game…