I have tested QuickTime 7 with CrossOver Office 5 , new player works!
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I have tested QuickTime 7 with CrossOver Office 5 , new player works!
When I try to install Quicktime 7 on my system, the installer never exits properly and the plugins are never registered. Do the plugins work for you? I am using Mozilla Firefox. Are you installing this in the default bottle or in a new bottle? Based on the win2000 template? What version of Linux are you using? Anything unusual about the installation that you remember?
I am having the exact same problems. I can launch Quicktime from a Crossover command prompt (available if you go into 'bottle management' mode), yet none of its plugins work - the main screen appears, but that is about it.
NB - Quictime 7 probably won't install if you're using the Win 98 template since it's meant to be used only on Win 2000/XP machines.
Dear all,
What follows below is what I've found so far. I'm really at my wit's end myself, but perhaps this information will somehow benefit others who are trying to get this application to run.
The package you download from Apple is actually a two-level installer, much like a tar.gz-file. Attempting to install the downloaded file with Crossover will dump another file called QuicktimeInstaller.exe in a subfolder of c:\windows\temp (where c:\ is your emulated Windows drive). It is about thirty-two megs in size, and can be run instead of the compressed file when attempting to install Quicktime 7.
The uncompressed installer in turn contains two Microsoft Installer files called QuickTime.msi and ISScript.msi. These cannot be run independently, but have to be invoked by the (uncompressed) Quicktime Installer (I've also tried this on a Windows Box).
Using the uncompressed file works slightly better on my machine than simply running the compressed version: the icons which are created in my K-menu and on my desktop will launch Quicktime Player and the Quicktime Picture Viewer when clicked. This has not, so far, been the case for installs employing the compressed file.
I have tried using the Quicktime 6.5 managed installer as well as the 'install unsupported software' function. In my case, there never was any difference.
Whatever configuration I use, the installer always exits before it has completed entirely. The plugins are not activated, and the Quicktime player will not run any media files. If I wait long enough, I can open the Quicktime preferences tab (though not the Player preferences), and even change a setting or two, yet this does not improve the player's functionality.
Using the 'uncompressed-installer' route, I generally get a functioning Quicktime Picture Viewer. This is a very basic application, though, which won't let you run any Quicktime movies.
I have also tried installling the 'Quicktime Alternative' package, a windows program which installs the Quicktime codecs and plugins, as well as an alternative media player called 'Media Player Classic'. The installer worked perfectly, and if I told Crossover it was actually installing Quicktime 6.5 it would even try to activate the plugins. To no avail, however. The plugins didn't work, and the Media Player application ran, but wouldn't let me play any media files.
Quicktime 7 will not install at all if you don't use a Win 2000 bottle
The ISScript.msi file is actually called ISScript11.msi - sorry about that.
I was able to make the QuickTime 7 standalone installer (http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/standalone.html) install successfully under Crossover Office 5.0.1. I told Crossover that I was installing iTunes, then pointed it to the QuickTime installer. It seems to hang at the "QuickTime is performing the requested operations" screen, but if you wait long enough it recovers and installs. I can get the player to open, but it will not play any media files and the plug-ins don't work.
Matthew D'Asaro
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