I have Protel 99SE with fixpacks 5 and 6 installed and running on Suse 9.2 with CX 5.0.1. So far I have loaded up and edited a schematic, run a simulation and loaded up one of the demo board layouts. I have not yet tried to print, but then I just started using this system again and havent even instaled any Linux printers yet.
Warning: When you enter your license code, do not use the floating license option, it is a pain in the ___ to work with. If you make a typo and don't enter your code correctly, Protel does not prompt you for a correct code. Instead, it just goes ahead and installs without a license and automatically works in floating license mode. In this mode, you will have to manually enter your code each time you start any module. The way to escape from this drudgery is to delete the erroneous code entry and add the correct code in the Security window.