The subject says it all. Cxgames 10.1.0. Stops at 1%. Any tips? Or should I file a bug report? (FWIW, this happens with plain wine 1.3.15 as well.)
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The subject says it all. Cxgames 10.1.0. Stops at 1%. Any tips? Or should I file a bug report? (FWIW, this happens with plain wine 1.3.15 as well.)
Never mind, I don't know what I did, but the error went away. It works. Playing now :)
How did you get it to work, it crashes at the title screen for me
Well, I was a bit too quick with the last comment. It crashes for me too, after a few minutes of gameplay, with error message "R6025 -pure virtual function call". Checking the Portal 2 steam forums, this happens for a lot of people in windows too. So I guess this is not cxgames' fault, but we need to wait a patch from Valve... Too bad.
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