Portal 2 Forum

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Cannot run Portal 2 ? Please post to this thread!

Hey Guys

Portal 2 is out, but cant seem play it with crossover?

in crossover i see the valve logo and get to the portal 2 screen then it just cuts out, and im back to desktop :(

edit: Hope you don't mind ; edited subject to (try) keep posts in one place,
made thread sticky towards those same ends. Thanks, Don ;)


Bummer, looks like an interesting title (although I plan to wait for a few
weeks until it's more reasonably priced =) I can't really advise you, the release
is simply too new and there's not enough feedback yet...indeed, we don't even
have a C4 page for Portal 2 (I just submitted it ;) ...neither does WineHQ ....

When the C4 page for Portal 2 is approved, I'll ask to have this thread moved
there to keep discussions all in the one spot...


sure thing, i also requested a portal 2 page before i made this thread. heres a log i hope might help

** Tue Apr 19 16:13:53 2011
Starting '/opt/cxgames/bin/wineloader' 'winewrapper.exe' '--workdir' '/home/j/.cxgames/Steam/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/portal 2' '--start' '--'
'/home/j/.cxgames/Steam/dosdevices/../drive_c/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/portal 2/portal2.exe'

fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33e1b8,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:keyboard:X11DRV_LoadKeyboardLayout L"00000409", 0000: stub!
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x434f5441 (as fourcc: ATOC) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x434f5441) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x41415353 (as fourcc: SSAA) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x41415353) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x4c4c554e (as fourcc: NULL) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x4c4c554e) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x434f5441 (as fourcc: ATOC) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x434f5441) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x41415353 (as fourcc: SSAA) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x41415353) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x4c4c554e (as fourcc: NULL) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x4c4c554e) in the format lookup table
fixme:ole:CoInitializeSecurity ((nil),-1,(nil),(nil),0,3,(nil),0,(nil)) - stub!
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fixme:win:RegisterRawInputDevices (pRawInputDevices=0x33de4c, uiNumDevices=1, cbSize=12) stub!
err:x11settings:X11DRV_ChangeDisplaySettingsEx No matching mode found 1680x945x32 @60! (XRandR)
fixme:d3d9:D3DPERF_SetOptions (0x1) : stub
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x4c4c554e (as fourcc: NULL) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x4c4c554e) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x4c4c554e (as fourcc: NULL) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x4c4c554e) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x4c4c554e (as fourcc: NULL) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x4c4c554e) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x4c4c554e (as fourcc: NULL) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x4c4c554e) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x4c4c554e (as fourcc: NULL) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x4c4c554e) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x4c4c554e (as fourcc: NULL) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x4c4c554e) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x4c4c554e (as fourcc: NULL) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x4c4c554e) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x4c4c554e (as fourcc: NULL) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x4c4c554e) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x31495441 (as fourcc: ATI1) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x31495441) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x31495441 (as fourcc: ATI1) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x31495441) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x31495441 (as fourcc: ATI1) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x31495441) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x31495441 (as fourcc: ATI1) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x31495441) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x31495441 (as fourcc: ATI1) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x31495441) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x31495441 (as fourcc: ATI1) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x31495441) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x31495441 (as fourcc: ATI1) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x31495441) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x31495441 (as fourcc: ATI1) WINED3DFORMAT!
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x31495441) in the format lookup table
fixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on HDA NVidia, disabling mixer
err:alsa:wine_snd_pcm_recover underrun occurred
fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0xfffffffe): stub
fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x27c): stub
fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x298): stub
fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x2b4): stub
fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION

Apologies for the edit.

I got the same results as the first post. Portal 2 briefly flashes the menu screen, then promptly exits.

If Launch Options, -novid -console are set, you'll get the same results. So that rules out a problem with one of the startup vids.

Not just us, crossover or wine -- windows users having issues as well ;


..somehow, I get the feeling Valve will release a update/patch soonish...


I get into the game, but have had 2 issues:

1) trying to get the the Edit Keys options results in a C++ error
2) in the beginning of the game when our hero is asked to walk forward toward the painting, it crashes the game and says only 1 instance can be running.

I sure hope the game can be fixed soon. I've literally been crossing off the days on my calendar to the launch of this game. And now I can't play it :S

Well, I'm a little bit luckier than you. I can run & play the game. But just about 2 minutes, and then it crashes. Verifying the integrity of game cache fails, and it re-downloads a file or two (client.dll, server.dll I think), but it does not help.

Judging by the steam portal 2 forums, this may not be a problem in cxgames (or wine), since there seems to be a lot of angry windows users with exactly the same problem. Anyways, if codeweavers can patch cxgames so as to block the bug in portal 2 maybe you can get some windows lusers upgrade to linux / mac 😉

Just adding to the pile. My install shows the Valve bass riff and copyright stuff, shows a loading screen with the main character facing GlaDos or something....and then uncerimoniously crashes. TF2 does launch, although I haven't tried to play a game tonight (TF2 being my guess at a good test subject to compare Portal against to make sure my current install works at all).

http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26835#c64 gets the game running.

I have been having a bit more success today... First tried Windows 7 mode, and I was able to play a few minutes more before the crash... Then installed vcrun 2008, changed back to Win XP mode, disabled the steam in-game thingie, disabled gameoverlayrenderer with regedit, use windowed mode (without border) in virtual desktop, and now I have been able to complete a few test chambers (got one achievement too)!

The new issue is that the game occasionally goes back to steam and redoes the installation process, and then automatically relaunches the game, then complains that only one instance of the game is allowed to run at one time (so the first instance did not crash, and I can restore it by clicking the minimized game)... It is a pain in the ass, but I can play. Fingers crossed.

Edit: the crashes are back 😥

Looking the steam forums, someone claimed that this is due to the game installed in FAT32 drive (obviously I don't have that in linux) and should be in NTFS partition or something. Is there anything that could simulate that with linux & cxgames?

Another edit: regardless of the crashes, I can actually play the game, but I need to speed-run the test chambers. It crashes at least once after each chamber, and sometimes during them. Somehow it seems to crash less frequently if I don't carry the weighted storage / companion cubes or other items, but rather push them or throw them around with portals. Go figure...

I still can't get past the title screen. It's not clear why some people have been able to run it and reach the other showstopper bug, which Tigger describes.

I've had the same problem (the pure virtual function call) along with the verification problems. The Valve people have claimed that this is related to having it installed on either FAT32 or ext2. I was surprised that they even mentioned ext2 since I can't imagine that is common among Windows users.

The latest word from Valve user BurtonJ on this subject (posted to the "Crashing after Valve vid" thread in their Portal 2 forum) is:

We are testing an update that should fix several crashes that we are seeing.

No ETA as to when the update will go live.

Link: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?p=21966424#post21966424


Valve has released a patch. It is not perfect, I'm still experiencing crashes, but they are less frequent now... Reached Chapter 8...

I'm having the same issues as the first poster. Valve logo, then Portal 2 screen, then crash.

I also have the game on the PS3, so it's not a huge loss, but the PSN is down so I can't play multiplayer.

I'm still having the same crash as the first post. I haven't tried messing around with DLL's as I am a bit squeamish about tweaking things that VAC might not like.

Just curious how this game has been given a silver rating? It still doesn't work without a (probably illegal) crack. Unless I'm missing something?

I don't know why it is silver rating, I'd give it a bronze. It "works" for me (without a crack), it just crashes very frequently. However, I still managed to complete the single player campaign.

I'm trying to run Portal 2 through Steam, and I'm having the exact same results as the OP. I purchased the game before looking at the forum because codeweavers listed it as silver, only to find out that in this case, "silver" means it installs and shows the splash screens, but nothing else.

Ubuntu 11.04
Latest stable release of cxgames
Latest update of Steam
Fully installed through steam from a 100% valid/legal purchase.
No updates currently showing as available through steam.
Hardware - More than adequate. Nvidia GPU.

Portal 2 worths a "know to not work" status.

Portal 2 developers have confirmed the game is almost unable to run on EXT 2, 3 and 4 partitions. So as long as this issue isn't fixed, even with a dirty, difficult and unreliable workaround, it should not be silver nor bronze.

Too bad for such a popular game.

Skiper wrote:

Portal 2 worths a "know to not work" status.

Portal 2 developers have confirmed the game is almost unable to run
on EXT 2, 3 and 4 partitions. So as long as this issue isn't fixed,
even with a dirty, difficult and unreliable workaround, it should
not be silver nor bronze.

Too bad for such a popular game.

Portal 2 is ranked silver against the Mac -- OSX does not use the same filesystem(s)...

This post also understates the issue -- it doesn't work on other Windows filesystems either ; NTFS only works...

Valve already know this, and apparently an update is coming ... http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=22133750&postcount=1032

Portal 2 runs fine and dandy on my system if I use the cracked version in the wild()played through the whole single player campaign - since I really do like to test). And speaking of crack, I think either Valve devs are on some very fine product or they think we are since they came up with an explanation like that.

Hmm lets see cracked version works, official DRMed one does not. Yeah Sparky you gotta be a rocket scientist to figure this one out.

Obligatory advocate fine print:

  • the ideas above and ranting are my own not Codeweavers'
  • I own the copyrighted version
  • DMCA makes modifying stuff for personal use illegal in some countries so, don't crack your games even if you own the right to play them

PS: Does it show much that I'm in a bad mood ? :)
PPS: What is the point of rating it against Mac OS X? Portal 2 runs native on Mac.

Yep it shows a lot you're pretty moody in your post. :)

Well, I am not sure that this is only due to the DRM protection of the game, as Portal 2 also crashes frequently under Windows. So I am not sure it is that much a good idea to recommend to use a cracked version of the game.

I prefer waiting for a patch that will repair their crappy DRM. I think they know that delivering a DRM that blocks a whole bunch of people from running the game on other platforms encourages piracy so they aren't taking us for fools I believe. All we need is some patience. I'd say we have to wait for about two weeks.

Once again, the game also crashes under Windows a lot, sometimes at startup, sometimes in the middle of the game so there is nothing much to do except waiting for them to fix their product.

Artist Formally Known as Dot wrote:

Portal 2 is ranked silver against the Mac

Since it runs natively on Mac, there is no reason for it to be ranked on Mac at all. Have a Silver rating for this game is inexcusable. I have had to resort to running it on with with some 'fixes' that eliminate the ability to play in co-op mode.

Not happy.

Stephen Coons wrote:

I have had to resort to running it on with with some 'fixes' that
eliminate the ability to play in co-op mode.

AFAIK co-op works, if you apply those 'fixes' only partially...

Stephen Coons wrote:

Artist Formally Known as Dot wrote:

Portal 2 is ranked silver against the Mac

Since it runs natively on Mac, there is no reason for it to be
ranked on Mac at all. Have a Silver rating for this game is
inexcusable. I have had to resort to running it on with with some
'fixes' that eliminate the ability to play in co-op mode.

Not happy.

Incorrect - I have a Mac, and, there are Mac games that don't work on it ; in those cases,
I use CXG and the win32 version instead. X3: Terran Conflict has a Mac port ... that runs
like rubbish natively - running it with CXG and win32 Steam works great : in that case I'd
give the native Mac port a bronze, and running the win32 version via CXG a gold. There are
lots of reasons why apps should be ranked against CXG & Mac, even though a native Mac
port may exist, even if that reason is the end user's prerogative...point is, the existence
of a native Mac port for an app, doesn't automatically disqualify nor invalidate any CXG-Mac
rankings. Talking about prerogatives, you didn't have to resort to running the game on
unofficial fixes -- that was your choice, and who knows, maybe doing that is going to corrupt
your Portal 2 installation {shrug, who can tell ;^} ...

... if you want to get unhappy about something, get unhappy about all the Gold medals awarded
to apps that don't work due to disc based DRM ... that, is a travesty worth getting upset
about ; this Silver ranking here is merely par for the course and valid...

2 updates to Portal 2 today, anybody make any progress getting it to work?

With the 'partially applied fixes' I've gotten to where it's working, but I have to launch Steam, browse through to the installation directory and then launch the game direct from the exe. Any suggestions on smoothing this out?

@Stephen Installed Steam in a fresh bottle and downloading Portal 2 as I write this. Tbh I hope it will at least go and show me a menu this time, Until now I only got the bald dude, Source engine logo and crash.

@Don Ok, then, maybe, just maybe the rating system should be "improved" to show at fist glance if some piece of software works on Mac and/or Linux. Sure, the medal breakdown does this but it's and additional click and as seen, people were mislead. The "hotfixes" never even touched the bottle I use for testing of this particular game.

LE: Nope, still no dice. Bald guy, Source Logo, loading screen and back to desktop. DRM ftw

Silviu Cojocaru wrote:

@Don Ok, then, maybe, just maybe the rating system should be
"improved" to show at fist glance if some piece of software works on
Mac and/or Linux. Sure, the medal breakdown does this but it's and
additional click and as seen, people were mislead. The "hotfixes"
never even touched the bottle I use for testing of this particular

...I've had the same thought a number of times, I may have even hoisted it on a ticket
at some time, but iirc the notion go shot down with an AckAck gun. My idea was something
along the lines of a visual clue (little Mac/linux icons somewhere to give that 'first
glance' effect). The trouble with -that- is, the moment you hoisted such a feature, by
rights every app/game in here on CD/DVD media with DRM on it. is going to be branded with
the 'first glance' clue of "It doesn't work on the Mac", because that will always be so
for disc media on the Mac, unless Apple change the OSX scsi driver design. In linux, YMMV
as well, but at least that scsi driver is able to access raw devices (which is what is
needed that the OSX driver won't let userspace do)...

...the 'Show medal breakdown' link can do this as you point out, but, do people check it?
I would say "no", and further, I don't think there's any way to clarify the situation any
better, because .... I was one of those advocates that pushed for the 'Distributor Comparison
Table', and, on those C4 pages where a CD/DVD installation media is involved that uses disc
based DRM, that table will say 'not work' and if you mouse over the little note icon beside
it, you get this balloon pop-up that says "This release contains disc based DRM that does not
work in Crossover at this time" .... now, you would think that'd be 'obvious enough', right?
Wrong... people still post to the forums with "I just installed this via CD and it doesn't
work!" ... go figure =) So...one ends up replying with "Well, did you look at the Distributor
Comparison Table? It does inform you of this fact", and they reply "Oh, no, I didn't notice that"...

Makes me wonder why I even bother trying at times <grin> ... but, I am considerate of the fact
that many folks aren't very 'computer literate', and there's language barriers in the way, and
blablablah ...it's nearly impossible to cover adequately, when you need rely on people reading
stuff and clicking on the right things --- the only thing that might work, is if this whole
website had 2 versions of every page (Mac & linux) and the OS/browser being used was detected
by the site, and only the OS specific version information was offered to the viewer/user. That,
is too much work...but...it's about the only way to do it (and why so many sites go that way ;)


Seems that some windows users experience even worse stuff than us:

Portal 2 forum post

Bad DRM is bad!

Still not working.

I finally made the jump to linux, installed CX Games, installed Steam, and then downloaded Portal 2. First two screens and then a crash. :( hopefully it will be working at some point soon.


You have to do a little bit of reading in between the lines, but portal 2 can be used now.

Here are instructions assuming you're installing through Steam, and live in a locale/jurisdiction
that allows such to be done (in many countries this procedure is not allowed).

  1. Install steam.
  2. Install Portal 2 through steam.
  3. Don't bother trying to launch the game yet. It won't work.
  4. Find another copy of server.dll and client.dll You find them by partially applying the 'fix' that some people have found for running the game without DRM. You'll have to find it online, then look closely at the files and where they're supposed to go.
  5. Launch Steam. Do NOT try to launch portal through steam. It won't work.
  6. Find the steam.exe executable and launch it directly while steam is running in the background. The game will play great, including online co-op. The only thing that doesn't work is the ingame store for skins.

edit by Don -- @Stephen ; 'coaching' people on how to circumvent DRM is not allowed under
the guidelines of the DMCA which apply to codeweavers.com (being a US based company/site).
I've added some text to better define your advices here.

i have successfully managed to play portal 2 without any hitches or bugs (except for the fact that i cannot play it in 1270x780 resolution which has happened with all the games i use on CrossOver maybe u could look at that for an update?)

1.put your portal 2 disk in and set the install to an external hard drive
2.plug hard drive into mac and either transfer filesor play from hard drive (doesn't really matter)
3.right-click on portal2.exe and open it in CrossOver
4.the game should now load fine! but for me i cannot play on my resolution as seen above because it shows the dock and the bar and slightly limits overall gameplay...

Good Luck and Have Fun playing Portal 2!

Posting that a cracked, illegal copy of the game runs isn't a legitimate workaround and won't be allowed in the forums.

it still ran a legitimate install proving that it would work with versions bought in shops...

also, how do i get around having the dock and bar in my screen when i try to play my native resolution?

The NTFS excuse seems invalid also, tested by mounting NTFS steamapps on linux, and linking to crossover games linux steamapps directory and still crashes.

Portal 2 has started to work with Wine 1.3.25 and newer, however it crashes after about 5 minutes of play ( http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27877 ).

Hopefully the goodness of Wine 1.3.25/26 and the patch from bug 27877 will feed through to CrossOver Games soon.

Hi everyone,

I can't lunch Portal 2 at all, steam version, it gives me "game not available at this time" all the time ...

I am using PCLinuxOS (up to date), CSX Game edition 10.3.0, Core2Duo, GF 9800GT, 4GB Ram.

LyCC wrote:

Hi everyone,

I can't lunch Portal 2 at all, steam version, it gives me "game not
available at this time" all the time ...

I am using PCLinuxOS (up to date), CSX Game edition 10.3.0,
Core2Duo, GF 9800GT, 4GB Ram.


Portal2 does not currently work with Crossover Games. My own personal experiences with it can be found if you browse this forum. I have tested the latest version of CxGames and I still can't play it. It freezes as soon as I try to load a level.

I'm using Grossover Games 10.3.0, Debian/Ubuntu 64-bits.

The game launches from Steam and the menu is in working order; when i start a new game, the loading screen appears correctly. When the loading bar reaches 50% it freezes, and after about a minute the game crashes.

I suspect that some 32 libraries or drivers could be missing, could someone tell me where I should look?

I don't know where you could look, but I do know a new version of CrossOver is just around the corner (currently in beta). I plan to wait on Portal 2 until then.

Things seem to run fine, at least for the single player, with the latest crossover 11.

It was running well for me too, until today. I have no idea what happened. Running it from the terminal gives this:

warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4
warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4
warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4
warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4
warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4
warning: Unknown nb_ctl request: 4
Failed to load Steam Service
ServiceStart: failed to start

And every time it crashes it creates a minidump file.

Sigh, I should have backed up the bottle before ever starting the game. Something tells me I'll have to redownload 10GB ...

Edit: Oops, my bad. A "verify integrity of game cache" solved my problem.

In order to get the game to run, I installed wine instead. Still unable to play through steam and with crossover, wine will have to do for now :(

Anyone had any luck running the game? I switched to ArchLinux, CrossOver 11.0.3 but the game still doesn't start ...

That's strange. I played the whole way through with CX 11. There were two issues:

  1. I could not get my old bottle with Portal 2 to work. I actually created a new bottle and downloaded the whole game again. In retrospect, I should have tested the integrity of the files via Steam.

  2. One time I think I left Steam open for a few days and when I tried to bring it up again it had crashed. So I just started Steam again without thinking much of it, but that's when Portal 2 started crashing while loading. I think Steam crashing might have corrupted some Portal 2 files accidentally, because after testing the integrity of the game files, the game was back up and running perfectly.

I'm running Xubuntu 11.10, latest updates, with an old nVidia card with official drivers.

Edit: Multiplayer works, too.

Hey everyone! I had the same crash problem. For me, the problem was the portal2.exe file did not launch steam, so the game hung up on at the load screen. I found if I launched steam.exe in the portal2 bottle, then clicked play portal 2 in the library menu, it runs flawlessly. Hope that helps.

i would like some assistance to this matter when i run the non steam portal 2 that i downloaded thanks to Vuze i can run the game but after it gets past the 2 valve screens and gets to the portal 2 screen it doesn't go to the main menu screen it just kept closing its self out to the desk top and what i had up so i put the game into steam and now also changing the settings to the windows 7 compatibility it runs it doesn't go back to the desktop and what i had up but instead it just never ever goes to the main menu it just stays there and when i hit the windows or enter button to see if the task manager can show that its not responding it pops up a quick window saying the run-time error stuff then goes to the portal2 exe has stopped working idk whats wrong or why its refusing to pop up the main menu and run completely at all i really would like a some help with this 😇 😕 😥

There isn't a "non Steam" version of Portal 2. I'm pretty sure you've a pirated copy so no help for you. Also, punctuation... use it, it does wonders for legibility.

Trying out CrossOver Portal 2 on my 2020 Intel MacBook Air. When I run Portal 2, the game boots up, but when I select a menu item there is a "stutter" where the sound repeats for a few seconds and the screen freezes. Unfortunately when you start playing the game it freezes repeatedly and is unplayable.

Although this is a low-spec laptop, I don't think the graphics are the problem. When it's not freezing, the frame rate is great and graphics are beautiful.

Any ideas?

MacBook Air Retina 13" 2020
1.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7
16 GB 3733 MHz LPDDR4X
Intel Iris Plus Graphics 1536 MB


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