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Works fine till end of tutorial or mouse is moved

I've been able to install the game, and the launcher works fine.

The UI issues that people talked about (and that I have experienced first hand) seem to be gone. However I have noticed, at least on my machine (late 2010 macbook air), that there are weird flashes on the ui elements, sudden changes in colour, like there's something up with their rendering, though it isn't actually at all serious: they aren't often, and don't obscure any of the elements. What is noticeable about the ui for me, and I think this is because of my bad hardware, that the character that appears when you first launch the game, isn't shown properly, but rather as a grey silhouette. I was able to fix this by turning down the graphic settings to low. Again, I think it's just an issue with my hardware, and it probably won't appear on better hardware. Character creation works fine, in fact, everything appears fine, until the actual gameplay starts. I don't have any characters that have gotten past the tutorial yet, so I can't say anything about anything else, but when you do play the tutorial, everything works fine.

To the actual issues:
Everything is usable and playable, until the tutorial gets to the part about using the mouse to see. I have both a trackpad and a mouse, both of which instantly cause the game to freeze, and for a wine error to appear stating that there has been a serious error. I did find a small way around this, but I don't think it to be practical, that way being not use the mouse at all, and move to the next tutorial area, which asks you to use the space bar to jump. There is an ingame obstacle at this point, which can only be jumped over, but, again jumping causes the same error as before, but only at this point in the tutorial area. Seeing as there is no way past this point without jumping, I have been forced to conclude here. If anyone can see if these issues are just for the tutorial are, then I applaud them, and would kindly ask them to tell me because I'd like to play this game already.

Here is one of the the crash reports (I'm not sure as to whether or not the mouse inout and jumping are related issues, so I'm not going to pin them to the same crash reason, also, I haven't had a chance to compare reports from both scenarios. Another thing of note is that the game may only be playable for a short time before it crashes, and this may only be in the tutorial area, so there might be more than one issue going on here. The issue I just mentioned might also be responsible for this crash):

Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0x01d8f18c).
Register dump:
CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:1007 GS:000f
EIP:01d8f18c ESP:0033d6d0 EBP:0033d6d0 EFLAGS:00010246( R- -- I Z- -P- )
EAX:00000000 EBX:00000000 ECX:0bb35e0c EDX:00000000
ESI:0bb35e0c EDI:02b8854c
Stack dump:
0x0033d6d0: 0033d6e4 01d8ec0a 00000000 0bb35e0c
0x0033d6e0: 2423cea0 0033d6fc 01d87b92 00000000
0x0033d6f0: 2423cea0 2541988c ffffffff 0033d710
0x0033d700: 01d887c7 0bb35e0c 00000000 25419a90
0x0033d710: 0033d728 01d8826a 2541988c 2423cea0
0x0033d720: 25418a3c 2423cea0 0033d740 01d887a4
0200: sel=1007 base=7ffc0000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x01d8f18c in planetside2 (+0x198f18c) (0x0033d6d0)
1 0x01d8ec0a in planetside2 (+0x198ec09) (0x0033d6e4)
2 0x01d87b92 in planetside2 (+0x1987b91) (0x0033d6fc)
3 0x01d887c7 in planetside2 (+0x19887c6) (0x0033d710)
4 0x01d8826a in planetside2 (+0x1988269) (0x0033d728)
5 0x01d887a4 in planetside2 (+0x19887a3) (0x0033d740)
6 0x01d8826a in planetside2 (+0x1988269) (0x0033d758)
7 0x01d887a4 in planetside2 (+0x19887a3) (0x0033d770)
8 0x01d8826a in planetside2 (+0x1988269) (0x0033d788)
9 0x01d887a4 in planetside2 (+0x19887a3) (0x0033d7a0)
10 0x01d8826a in planetside2 (+0x1988269) (0x0033d7b8)
11 0x01d887a4 in planetside2 (+0x19887a3) (0x0033d7d0)
12 0x01d8826a in planetside2 (+0x1988269) (0x0033d7e8)
13 0x01d887a4 in planetside2 (+0x19887a3) (0x0033d800)
14 0x01d8826a in planetside2 (+0x1988269) (0x0033d818)
15 0x01d887a4 in planetside2 (+0x19887a3) (0x0033d830)
16 0x01d8826a in planetside2 (+0x1988269) (0x0033d848)
17 0x01d887a4 in planetside2 (+0x19887a3) (0x0033d860)
18 0x01d8826a in planetside2 (+0x1988269) (0x0033d878)
19 0x01d887a4 in planetside2 (+0x19887a3) (0x0033d890)
20 0x01d8826a in planetside2 (+0x1988269) (0x0033d8a8)
21 0x01d887a4 in planetside2 (+0x19887a3) (0x0033d8c0)
22 0x01d8826a in planetside2 (+0x1988269) (0x0033d8d8)
23 0x01d887a4 in planetside2 (+0x19887a3) (0x0033d8f0)
24 0x01d8826a in planetside2 (+0x1988269) (0x0033d908)
25 0x01d887a4 in planetside2 (+0x19887a3) (0x0033d920)
26 0x01d8826a in planetside2 (+0x1988269) (0x0033d938)
27 0x01d189b0 in planetside2 (+0x19189af) (0x0033d978)
28 0x00eb7c0f in planetside2 (+0xab7c0e) (0x0033daf0)
29 0x00d73346 in planetside2 (+0x973345) (0x0033dc90)
30 0x00d6714a in planetside2 (+0x967149) (0x0033e068)
31 0x03952be8 in planetside2 (+0x3552be7) (0x0033fe20)
32 0x0145d9f7 in planetside2 (+0x105d9f6) (0x0033feb0)
33 0x7b85140c in kernel32 (+0x4140b) (0x0033fec8)
34 0x7b854867 in kernel32 (+0x44866) (0x0033ff08)
35 0x7bc66ecc in <wine-loader> (+0x7bc66ecb) (0x0033ff28)
36 0x7bc67fea in <wine-loader> (+0x7bc67fe9) (0x0033ffa8)
37 0x7bc66e92 in <wine-loader> (+0x7bc66e91) (0x0033ffc8)
38 0x7bc3f91e in <wine-loader> (+0x7bc3f91d) (0x0033ffe8)
0x01d8f18c: movl 0x0(%edx,%eax,4),%edx
Module Address Debug info Name (61 modules)
ELF 0-82001000 Stabs <wine-loader>
PE 340000- 399000 Deferred physx3characterkinematic_x86
PE 400000- 3ba1e00 Deferred planetside2
PE 3bb0000- 3d78000 Deferred physx3common_x86
PE 3d80000- 3dfe000 Deferred physx3cooking_x86
PE 3e00000- 40ee000 Deferred physx3_x86
PE 40f0000- 42ef000 Deferred d3dx9_43
PE 10000000-10128000 Deferred apexframework_x86
PE 14e30000-161f0000 Deferred awesomium
PE 23980000-23a00000 Deferred apex_common_legacy_x86
PE 23b10000-23b5a000 Deferred apex_framework_legacy_x86
PE 23c70000-23dd3000 Deferred apex_dynamicsystem_x86
PE 244e0000-24534000 Deferred ortp
PE 24540000-2459c000 Deferred vivoxoal
PE 2d850000-2df6c000 Deferred vivoxsdk
PE 3b400000-3b41e000 Deferred steam_api
PE 40410000-40413000 Deferred userenv
PE 40420000-40427000 Deferred winhttp
PE 40460000-40463000 Deferred dhcpcsvc
PE 40470000-40473000 Deferred msimg32
PE 404b0000-404b4000 Deferred version
PE 404c0000-404c4000 Deferred imm32
PE 404e0000-404e4000 Deferred iphlpapi
PE 40710000-4071a000 Deferred dinput
PE 40790000-40794000 Deferred advapi32
PE 407f0000-407f4000 Deferred dinput8
PE 41890000-418ca000 Deferred user32
PE 419c0000-419c7000 Deferred gdi32
PE 41a90000-41a94000 Deferred ws2_32
PE 41ac0000-41ac4000 Deferred wsock32
PE 41ad0000-41ad4000 Deferred psapi
PE 41c10000-41c3e000 Deferred comctl32
PE 41d00000-41d72000 Deferred winmm
PE 41db0000-41db8000 Deferred ole32
PE 41eb0000-41eb4000 Deferred rpcrt4
PE 41f30000-41f38000 Deferred shlwapi
PE 41f90000-420e9000 Deferred shell32
PE 421a0000-421a8000 Deferred oleaut32
PE 422b0000-422b4000 Deferred msvcrt
PE 42340000-42344000 Deferred d3d9
PE 42370000-42374000 Deferred wined3d
PE 424a0000-424a9000 Deferred msacm32
PE 42540000-42544000 Deferred winex11
PE 42800000-42804000 Deferred opengl32
PE 43c90000-43c94000 Deferred mmdevapi
PE 43cb0000-43cb3000 Deferred winecoreaudio
PE 43d80000-43d8e000 Deferred setupapi
PE 44b90000-44b93000 Deferred wineosxime
PE 44c00000-44c03000 Deferred sensapi
PE 44c10000-44c14000 Deferred dnsapi
PE 44c30000-44c34000 Deferred dsound
PE 44fc0000-44fc8000 Deferred winspool
PE 45000000-45003000 Deferred usp10
PE 45040000-45043000 Deferred secur32
PE 45070000-45073000 Deferred netapi32
PE 45090000-450cb000 Deferred crypt32
PE 45150000-45157000 Deferred wineps
PE 4ad00000-4b67f000 Deferred icudt
PE 6f140000-6f199000 Deferred libsndfile-1
PE 7b810000-7b867000 Deferred kernel32
PE 7bc10000-7bc14000 Deferred ntdll
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
0000000c services.exe
0000001d 0
0000001c 0
00000013 0
0000000e 0
0000000d 0
00000010 winedevice.exe
00000018 0
00000017 0
00000012 0
00000011 0
00000019 plugplay.exe
0000001e 0
0000001b 0
0000001a 0
00000021 explorer.exe
00000022 0
00000053 (D) C:\Program Files\Sony Online Entertainment\Installed Games\PlanetSide 2 PSG\PlanetSide2.exe
00000037 0
00000036 15
00000035 15
00000026 15
00000024 15
00000025 0
00000051 0
0000004f 0
0000004e -1
0000004d 0
00000042 0
0000003d 0
0000003b 15
00000039 0
00000038 0
00000027 0
00000029 0
00000049 0
00000032 0
00000045 0
00000016 0
0000003f 2
0000004b 2
00000015 0
00000034 0
00000031 0
00000046 0
0000004a 0
00000033 0
0000003e 0
0000002f 0
0000002c 0
00000030 0
00000040 0
00000028 0
00000047 0
0000000b 0
00000041 0
0000002e 0
00000067 1
00000066 0
00000064 0
00000063 0
00000062 0
00000061 0
00000060 0
0000005f 0
0000005e 0
0000005d 0
0000005c 0
0000005b 0
0000005a 0
00000058 0
00000057 0
00000056 0
00000054 0 <==
System information:
Wine build: wine-1.5.15-7189-g6111f90
Platform: i386
Host system: Darwin
Host version: 12.3.0

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