Note: currently only works in opengl mode and doesn't look pretty.
This title can be installed (manually) into a new Crossover bottle. Firstly
create a new winxp bottle, then create another directory in that;
~/.cxgames/bottle_name/drive_c/Pendulumania and unzip the the game files
into that directory. Start cxsetup (Manage Bottles), highlight the bottle
in question, then click on the 'Run Command' button. Navigate to the game
executable copied into the directory above (the file is called PMania.exe )
and click on 'Create launcher' - this will give you something to launch the
game with later....but first...
..still in cxsetup with the bottle highlighted, click on the Control Panel
tab and launch the Wine Configuration item. In the GUI that pops up, click
on the Graphics tab.
Enable 'emulate a virtual desktop' - set 'desktop size' to 640x480
Set 'Vertex Shader Support' to None
*Disable Pixel Shader Support
Now click on Apply -> Ok to exit the Wine Configuration GUI.
Cut & paste the following registry key into a plaintext editor;
Save the file and give it a meaningful name.... ie; DDR-opengl.reg
Still in cxsetup with the same bottle highlighted, click on the 'Run
Command' and enter regedit into the stringbox and hit enter - the
Windows registry editor will appear. Use the File->Import registry
function and browse to the DDR-opengl.reg file (or whatever you called
it) and open it. Once imported, exit the registry editor.
Now the game should start and run, but the graphics in opengl mode are
less than pretty. The actual -gameplay- once you start a game is actually
go...interpreting your score or anything else the graphics might be trying
to tell you is next to impossible however. Bronze medal for effort....
comments: game is hardcoded to a 640x480 screen resolution. I noticed
with DDR=opengl, game graphics are shifted down and to the left by 20
pixels or so - this might be where the d3d conversion is going awry
when you use DDR=gdi rendering and hit a blackscreen...