Problem may be the Crossover Office install dialog and Origin autoinstall .exe?
I have NOT been able to get either Origin 7.0 (Suse 9.3, KDE, Crossover Office 5 std demo) or 7.5 (Debian Sarge, KDE, Crossover Office 5 std demo) to install when I use the "install windows application--unsupported" dialog approach through Crossover Office 5. Interestingly, I WAS successful installing version 7.5 when I:
- downloaded the demo version of Origin 7.5, and installed by double clicking on the executable.
- since #1 worked, I did the same by browsing the 7.5 CD, and launching the install .exe by double clicking.
In both instances above, I got similar error messages:
- "Internal Failure: Error # 0x80040707"
- Sever Error: error installing iKernel.exe (0x1400)
- simply clicked through the error messages
which I also saw using the installer through crossover office. BUT, in this case, the installation was successfully completed, and did NOT hang.
For version 7.5 (not demo), I also had an error message when obtaining my flex license from the Origin web site, but it appears to have been successful anyway (seems to have registered the license ok).
Let me know if anyone knows any "tricks" that can be played to get the install to work through Crossover office "install windows apps" dialog.