The no$gba emulator is distributed in a .zip file as a standalone
executable -- there is no installer, everything has to be setup
manually. Using linux....
Start cxsetup
Create new bottle named nogba using the winxp profile
In a shell/console, issue the following command;
mkdir ~/.cxgames/nogba/drive_c/"Program Files"/nogba
Extract/copy NO$GBA.EXE into ~/.cxgames/nogba/drive_c/Program Files/nogba
With the nogba bottle highlighted in cxsetup, click on =>configure=>control-panel=>Run=>Browse and
navigate to the NO$GBA.EXE copied above, highlight it, click Open=>Create shortcut => Close.
Now exit cxsetup.
What will happen, is you get a no$gba desktop icon, that works, and it also adds to/sets-up the directory
above as well. Now, when you double-click on the no$gba desktop icon, a file requester will open allowing
you to select/load ROMs etc and control/start the emulator.