this should be here:
This discussion is one that goes on for almost any app on windows, and why the poor windows users will NEVER switch to linux. (At least according to Bill Almighty) Fact: For almost all Windows Apps ther is a Linux equivilant that is a WHOLE bunch cheaper. (Just the other day I found Audacity, on my Suse CD, and it is every bit as good as something you'd have to pay 300-400 dollars for in windows.
The problem is people try linux out, they see the start button in the corner and they assume it is like windows, when they find out its not, they get mad after three days or a week and give up (I did the same thing at first). For the few of us that press on, we find that linux is an eperience all its own. It has great strengths and minimal weeknesses. I'm on my 3rd year of linux and about 2 months ago, I got rid of my windows partition all together. I must say I have not missed it at all. Linux is like swimming, you have to be completely in the water to get anywhere with it. Dipping a toe in here or there is not going to get it done.
yes there is the odd app that I need to run (mostly because its what they use at work) for that there is crossover. for everything else, I have found something on my CD or by Googling. It's hard for me to imagine ever going back to windows.
One more thing and then I am gone -- Remeber this -- Windows is changing their kernel, this means all the apps you know and love will cease to function when longhorn is released in 2006. What are the Nero (an other software) dependent people going to do then? If they are inteligent they will make the switch to Linux, if not they have to pony up the thousands of dollars it will take to replace all their stuff with new versions, and kiss their legacy apps good-bye.