well as you pointed out, there are quite a few features which msn messenger supports and which other clients don't... I personally.. as trivial as it sounds... like to play the zone games and use the voice/chat.. and generally not put up with using what is effectivly a client which was available for windows 3 years ago.. the developers of gaim have made it clear they only develop for themselves and what they need.. which is perfectly understandable and I am grateful for what they have done.. however it does mean its not really a replacement for msn messenger, where microsoft develop features to entice users.. not for themselves... developer's needs are often different to a meer user (who doesn't know how to set up ftp servers to transfer files to friends quickly, etc).
Incidently.. MSN 6 works fine in crossover office 4.1 and 4.2... MSN messenger 7 works fine in crossover office 4.1 but has painting issues.. however doesn't work in 4.2 (when opening a conversation window).. they both work in wine.. apart from a scripting error when opening a zone game, which is the one reason i hoped they'd work! alas. its getting closer however