I'm wondering if anyone else has this problem.
I'm moving from window to window and the mouse gets bumped or something and I get message that says, "mirc will quit." I find that if I wait a minute, everything returns to normal.
Just before the message, I can't type in the typey box. only some of the letters I'm hitting show up, I can't hit enter. but, that patience thing, it corrects itself.
Also, sometimes I accidentally hit the caps lock. Then it will lock on caps when off, but when on, shows little letters. By the next line, the caps lock is making things all caps and I can turn it off.
I have a mac keyboard, mac mini, and dell peripheries.. I have the latest safari. I believe it said something about keyboard problems would be fixed in the latest download, but they aren't/weren't.
SO I don't know if it is a crossover/mIRC problem or a mac keyboard/safari problem.
I'm so happy to have mIRC again and not have to use xchat, that I don't mind a bit of "patience" learning!