I haven't used a Mac with a 68000 processor since 1994, so I wondered if I was only saying that an emulated Mac Plus was faster because I wanted that, or whether it was true. My configuration isn't static, but my emulated system and host are currently...
Emulated System
Mac Plus (Mini vMac for Windows 3.1.3) running Mac OS System 7.5.3 in CrossOver 12.0 with a Motorola 68000 CPU, 4 MB RAM, and two floppy disks (no hard drive)
Mid-2010 Mac Mini with 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3 RAM, and a 320 GB internal hard drive, running OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leoopard)
The Test
Run Apple Personal Diagnostics 1.1.3 to compare my (emulated) system to a real Macintosh Plus
The Verdict (My emulated system relative to a Macintosh Plus)
Math: Integer 12.15 x faster, Complex Functions 9.58 x faster, Floating Point Without FPU 10.60 x faster and With FPU Not Applicable
Hard Drive: Not Applicable (since my emulated system doesn't have a hard drive)
CPU Speed: Memory 22.96 x faster and Processor 7.55 x faster
Video: 10.22 x faster
That is faster; from a performance perspective, I have A Better Mac Plus! As my configuration changes, benchmarks are moving targets, but I invite others to post results here.
CrossOver is about running Windows software on other platforms, but I may run the same tests 1) using Mini vMac for Mac to see how Windows and Mac versions compare, and 2) using a Windows computer.