I moved this query from the unsupported apps forum:
Has anyone tried using Visio 2003 with Crossover ?
I have found that Crossover has a major problem which effectively makes it useless for Visio 2003.
If I draw a large (filled in) rectangle on the page - say covering 2/3 of the page size, selecting the object takes many seconds. Actually you can see the green line slowly and progressively draw round the perimeter of the object over several seconds, and only when it has completed can you then move the object, or do anything else with it. Smaller objects can be selected much more quickly. This makes it totally useless.
This doesn't happen when Visio is run under Windows. I am using a 3GHz C2D iMac and Snow Leopard, and have tried running the same app under XP Pro using VirtualBox, and it behaves normally.
Has anyone else noticed this bug, and is there anything that can be done about it ?