Running SuSE 8.2
$ uname -a
Linux linux 2.4.20-4GB #1 Wed Apr 16 14:50:03 UTC 2003 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux
Installation is a little messy and requires patience. Used cxsetup. Checked "Install unsupported application", filled in path to setup.exe
Microsoft Setup runs and a dialog box opens indicating additional system components need to be installed. Installs ie5 and some other bits then asks if you want to reboot. Answered no. cxsetup goes off and simulates a windows reboot anyway. This does not complete. Another MS Dialog box starts indicating Visio will now be installed. Answer the questions and let it install. It completes and the cxsetup initiated windows reboot completes. cxsetup adds associations but no menu item for visio.
Start visio with /opt/cxoffice/bin/wine --cx-app visio
Same redraw issues as reported by John Pierson, otherwise works fine. Quite stable, and a little slow (this could be my hardware). Please note. This is the only windows app I'm running and I have not attempted to export to different formats.