I agree 100% with the below posting. I am in the evaluation stage of the Crossover software, and it's a deciding factor to have Onenote working and synchronizing. I have years of data in Onenote and want to use Linux going forward.
Post reference:
**"...Hi @Meredith I just downloaded Crossover trial specifically to (try to) run OneNote. If I understood you correctly, OneNote is known not to be working in any version, because of the OneDrive issues. Is this correct?
If so, then you can certainly add me to the list of people you heard from regarding the need to get this working.
In fact, OneNote, and Visio to a degree, are the only MS apps that still do not have reasonable, and cross-platform alternative available on Linux. With LibreOffice steady progress, very few hard-core Office users will insist on having Word/Excel/etc on Linux. But for OneNote, there is simply no alternative that comes even close.
And yes, it it true, huge numbers of users, and probably in particular students are depending on OneNote, especially since it's free on Windows 10. We are talking about many milions of OneNote serious users that amassed huge amounts of information in OneNote, and have absolutely no way to migrate it - even if they had an alternative to migrate to. This people are right now locked in to Windows, just like I am.
OneDrive, and by extension is integration with SharePoint, is a critical part of MS strategy extending from office apps to 365 cloud, desktop management and backup, desktop profiles and portability, and all the way to Teams. Without OneDrive working, selling CrossOver as a way to run MS apps will be very frustrating for many, and very soon, for most.
Thanks for listening.