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All programs crash upon startup

Installation went OK, but when I try to start any program (except Spreadsheet Compare) it crashes. I am able to see the splash screen (Loading Word, etc) before it crashes.

I am running openSUSE Leap 15.4 with kernel 5.14.21-150400.24.33-default. GPU is AMD ATI Radeon Pro WX 2100 with kernel-firmware-amdgpu 20220509-150400.4.13.1 and xf86-video-amdgpu 18.1.0-4.31, X11 and KDE Plasma 5.24.4, Qt 5.15.2.

Here is the error:

Register dump:
 CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
 EIP:7b011e22 ESP:0021a4b4 EBP:0021a518 EFLAGS:00000246(   - --  I  Z- -P- )
 EAX:0021a4c0 EBX:00000000 ECX:0021a52c EDX:00000000
 ESI:340a00c0 EDI:018a002d
Stack dump:
0x0021a4b4:  0f6c4e00 0021a4f8 7bc24af9 e0000002
0x0021a4c4:  00000000 00000000 7b011e22 00000000
0x0021a4d4:  0f6c66b0 0021a518 7bc24af9 005e0000
0x0021a4e4:  00000002 0021a548 7bc24e3e 005e0098
0x0021a4f4:  00000002 f7f5a419 0301003c f7f5bc87
0x0021a504:  f7836ec0 00000202 7b07259b 0021a52c
=>0 0x7b011e22 AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarmW+0x10e22() in kernelbase (0x0021a518)
  1 0x05a46d43 (0x0021a558)
  2 0x7ead6181 NtGdiSelectFont+0x41() in win32u (0x0021a678)
  3 0x7eb0866d NtGdiExtCreateRegion+0x432d() in win32u (0x0021a8b8)
  4 0x7eb08748 NtGdiExtCreateRegion+0x4408() in win32u (0x0021a918)
  5 0x7eb11288 NtUserSystemParametersInfo+0x1428() in win32u (0x0021a968)
  6 0x6ed6bd11 AdjustWindowRect+0xd1b1() in user32 (0x0021a998)
  7 0x6ed5eaad AdjustWindowRectEx+0x6d() in user32 (0x0021abf8)
  8 0x7eb170b7 NtUserRemoveProp+0xa37() in win32u (0x0021acb8)
  9 0x7eb1eca9 NtUserCreateWindowEx+0xcf9() in win32u (0x0021adc8)
  10 0x6ed79f6c AdjustWindowRect+0x1b40c() in user32 (0x0021b008)
  11 0x6ed77fef AdjustWindowRect+0x1948f() in user32 (0x0021b278)
  12 0x71453f53 in wined3d (+0x13f53) (0x0021b3d8)
  13 0x714bd2ca wined3d_adapter_get_identifier+0x262a() in wined3d (0x0021b438)
  14 0x7154e4ee wined3d_adapter_get_identifier+0x9384e() in wined3d (0x0021b478)
  15 0x6adc77e3 CreateDXGIFactory+0x27a3() in dxgi (0x0021b4d8)
  16 0x6adc506e CreateDXGIFactory+0x2e() in dxgi (0x0021b518)
  17 0x68cc14a6 D3D10DisassembleEffect+0x486() in d3d10_1 (0x0021b588)
  18 0x68cc1792 D3D10CreateDevice1+0x32() in d3d10_1 (0x0021b5a0)
  19 0x05e84e50 (0x0021b7a0)
  20 0x05e83c96 (0x0021b86c)
  21 0x05e83bb6 (0x0021b890)
  22 0x05e82def (0x0021b990)
  23 0x05e8266e (0x0021b9f0)
  24 0x05e8251a (0x0021ba38)
  25 0x05e82467 (0x0021ba58)
  26 0x05e822c1 (0x0021bab0)
  27 0x01a3d87c EntryPoint+0x1c87c() in wwlib (0x0021bad0)
  28 0x01a3d7eb EntryPoint+0x1c7eb() in wwlib (0x0021bae0)
  29 0x01a3d74c EntryPoint+0x1c74c() in wwlib (0x0021bb10)
  30 0x01a3d2ee EntryPoint+0x1c2ee() in wwlib (0x0021bb40)
  31 0x01a3ca9a EntryPoint+0x1ba9a() in wwlib (0x0021bb78)
  32 0x01a3c4ef EntryPoint+0x1b4ef() in wwlib (0x0021bbc4)
  33 0x01a2ae1f EntryPoint+0x9e1f() in wwlib (0x0021fe90)
  34 0x01a2a939 EntryPoint+0x9939() in wwlib (0x0021fec0)
  35 0x0040181a EntryPoint+0x81a() in winword (0x0021fee4)
  36 0x0040114a EntryPoint+0x14a() in winword (0x0021ff30)
  37 0x7b62db00 ActivateActCtx+0x231d0() in kernel32 (0x0021ff48)
  38 0x7bc5c287 A_SHAFinal+0x3dd87() in ntdll (0x0021ff5c)
  39 0x7bc5c958 A_SHAFinal+0x3e458() in ntdll (0x0021ffec)
0x7b011e22 kernelbase+0x11e22: subl $4,%esp
Module  Address         Debug info  Name (132 modules)
PE  00400000-005dc000   Export          winword
PE  00710000-00902000   Deferred        c2r32
PE  00920000-01253000   Deferred        shell32
PE  01260000-0126c000   Deferred        userenv
PE  01a20000-03cd2000   Export          wwlib
PE  03ce0000-04944000   Deferred        oart
PE  04950000-049ce000   Deferred        gdiplus
PE  049d0000-04a3f000   Deferred        msvcp140
PE  08ef0000-08fb8000   Deferred        crypt32
PE  08fc0000-091e8000   Deferred        office.odf
PE  091f0000-096b2000   Deferred        mso40uires
PE  096c0000-0a5da000   Deferred        mso99lres
PE  0a5e0000-0a691000   Deferred        wwintl
PE  0a6a0000-0a6b3000   Deferred        msointl30
PE  0a7f0000-0f233000   Deferred        msores
PE  0f240000-0f3f0000   Deferred        msointl
PE  10000000-101ea000   Deferred        appvisvsubsystems32
PE  61500000-6152c000   Deferred        iphlpapi
PE  61740000-6177d000   Deferred        advapi32
PE  61940000-619c7000   Deferred        wininet
PE  62e00000-62e14000   Deferred        odbccp32
PE  62fc0000-63043000   Deferred        rpcrt4
PE  631c0000-631de000   Deferred        secur32
PE  63480000-6348c000   Deferred        version
PE  637c0000-6385a000   Deferred        urlmon
PE  63bc0000-63bd8000   Deferred        shcore
PE  64a40000-64a91000   Deferred        shlwapi
PE  64ec0000-64fd0000   Deferred        oleaut32
PE  65080000-651d2000   Deferred        msi
PE  65580000-6558c000   Deferred        wtsapi32
PE  658c0000-658d0000   Deferred        sxs
PE  65a00000-65a0d000   Deferred        d3d10core
PE  65f40000-65f4c000   Deferred        kerberos
PE  66240000-66255000   Deferred        bcrypt
PE  679c0000-67a22000   Deferred        libvkd3d-1
PE  68500000-68553000   Deferred        combase
PE  68700000-68735000   Deferred        uxtheme
PE  688c0000-688e6000   Deferred        netapi32
PE  68cc0000-68cce000   Export          d3d10_1
PE  6a280000-6a31a000   Deferred        msvcrt
PE  6a400000-6a511000   Deferred        ole32
PE  6ac00000-6ac69000   Deferred        d2d1
PE  6adc0000-6adfc000   Export          dxgi
PE  6bc00000-6bc2a000   Deferred        sechost
PE  6bcc0000-6bd41000   Deferred        setupapi
PE  6c9c0000-6ca35000   Deferred        gdi32
PE  6cc40000-6cd87000   Deferred        comctl32
PE  6d580000-6d59b000   Deferred        cabinet
PE  6d780000-6d7a5000   Deferred        ws2_32
PE  6d880000-6d88f000   Deferred        msv1_0
PE  6db40000-6db4e000   Deferred        imagehlp
PE  6dd80000-6dd8a000   Deferred        wevtapi
PE  6df80000-6dff4000   Deferred        libvkd3d-shader-1
PE  6e4c0000-6e4d3000   Deferred        dnsapi
PE  6e940000-6e9a6000   Deferred        d3d11
PE  6ed00000-6eec9000   Export          user32
PE  6f480000-6f48a000   Deferred        nsi
PE  6f4c0000-6f4e7000   Deferred        wintrust
PE  6fa80000-6fc0f000   Deferred        dbghelp
PE  70240000-70253000   Deferred        vcruntime140
PE  70940000-7095e000   Deferred        mpr
PE  70b40000-70c1c000   Deferred        ucrtbase
PE  70e80000-70e89000   Deferred        msimg32
PE  710c0000-710cf000   Deferred        mspatcha
PE  71200000-71218000   Deferred        imm32
PE  71440000-715d9000   Export          wined3d
ELF 7a800000-7a94b000   Deferred        opengl32<elf>
  \-PE  7a840000-7a94b000   \               opengl32
PE  7b000000-7b247000   Export          kernelbase
PE  7b600000-7b65f000   Export          kernel32
PE  7bc00000-7bc98000   Export          ntdll
ELF 7d000000-7d004000   Deferred        <wine-loader>
ELF 7d9db000-7da36000   Deferred
ELF 7da36000-7dac2000   Deferred
ELF 7dac2000-7daf0000   Deferred
ELF 7daf0000-7ddc4000   Deferred
ELF 7ddc4000-7dddc000   Deferred
ELF 7dddc000-7dde2000   Deferred
ELF 7dde2000-7ddf3000   Deferred
ELF 7ddf3000-7ded0000   Deferred
ELF 7deee000-7def3000   Deferred
ELF 7def3000-7def7000   Deferred
ELF 7def7000-7defa000   Deferred
ELF 7defa000-7df89000   Deferred
ELF 7df89000-7dfd2000   Deferred
ELF 7dfd2000-7e01d000   Deferred
ELF 7e01d000-7e032000   Deferred
ELF 7e032000-7e1b7000   Deferred
ELF 7e1b7000-7e1d6000   Deferred
ELF 7e1d6000-7e325000   Deferred
ELF 7e325000-7e561000   Deferred
ELF 7e561000-7e565000   Deferred
ELF 7e565000-7e56a000   Deferred
ELF 7e56a000-7e584000   Deferred
ELF 7e584000-7e58b000   Deferred
ELF 7e729000-7e732000   Deferred
ELF 7e732000-7e771000   Deferred
ELF 7e771000-7e7bd000   Deferred
ELF 7e7bd000-7e7d6000   Deferred
ELF 7e7d6000-7e825000   Deferred
ELF 7e825000-7e841000   Deferred
ELF 7e841000-7e903000   Deferred
ELF 7e903000-7ea07000   Deferred
ELF 7ea09000-7ea12000   Deferred
ELF 7ea12000-7ea1b000   Deferred
ELF 7ea1b000-7ea23000   Deferred
ELF 7ea31000-7ebac000   Dwarf           win32u<elf>
  \-PE  7ea60000-7ebac000   \               win32u
ELF 7ebac000-7ed34000   Dwarf 
ELF f77c3000-f77cc000   Deferred
ELF f77cc000-f77d2000   Deferred
ELF f77f4000-f77fb000   Deferred
ELF f77fb000-f7807000   Deferred
ELF f7807000-f781a000   Deferred
ELF f781a000-f781e000   Deferred
ELF f791e000-f792b000   Deferred
ELF f792b000-f7937000   Deferred
ELF f7937000-f793e000   Deferred
ELF f793e000-f796c000   Deferred
ELF f796c000-f7abc000   Deferred
ELF f7ae6000-f7b91000   Deferred        winex11<elf>
  \-PE  f7b00000-f7b91000   \               winex11
ELF f7b98000-f7b9b000   Deferred
ELF f7b9b000-f7ba5000   Deferred
ELF f7ba5000-f7c61000   Deferred
ELF f7d61000-f7f4b000   Deferred
ELF f7f4b000-f7f50000   Deferred
ELF f7f50000-f7f71000   Deferred
ELF f7f7c000-f7f80000   Deferred
ELF f7f80000-f7f85000   Deferred
ELF f7f85000-f7f9b000   Deferred
ELF f7f9d000-f7fc8000   Deferred
process  tid      prio    name (all IDs are in hex)
00000030 services.exe
    00000034    0     
    00000038    0     
    00000054    0     
    00000074    0     
    00000088    0     
    000000b8    0     
    000000e8    0     
    00000100    0     
    00000120    0     
0000003c OfficeClickToRun.exe
    00000040    0     
    00000044    0     
    00000048    0     
    0000004c    0     
    00000050    0     
    0000005c    0     
    00000060    0     
    0000006c    0     
    00000070    0     
    000000a0    0     
    000000ac    0     
    000000d0    0     
    00000164    0     
    00000168    0     
    0000016c    0     
    00000170    0     
    00000174    0     
    00000178    0     
    0000017c    0     
    00000184    0     
    00000190    0     
    00000214    0     
00000064 svchost.exe
    00000068    0     
    00000078    0     
    0000007c    0     
00000080 winedevice.exe
    00000084    0     
    0000008c    0     
    00000090    0     
    00000094    0     
    00000098    0     
    00000114    0     
000000b0 winedevice.exe
    000000b4    0     
    000000bc    0     
    000000c0    0     
    000000c4    0     
    000000c8    0     
    000000cc    0     
    000000dc    0     
000000e0 plugplay.exe
    000000e4    0     
    000000ec    0     
    000000f0    0     
    000000f4    0     
000000f8 svchost.exe
    000000fc    0     
    00000104    0     
    00000108    0     
    0000010c    0     
    00000140    0     
    00000144    0     
00000118 rpcss.exe
    0000011c    0     
    00000124    0     
    00000128    0     
    0000012c    0     
    00000130    0     
    00000158    0     
00000148 explorer.exe
    0000014c    0     
    00000150    0     
    00000154    0     
0000015c (D) C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE
    00000160    0 <== 
    00000198    0     
    0000019c    0     
    00000210    0     
00000208 conhost.exe
    0000020c    0     
System information:
    Wine build: wine-7.7-8325-gfab1fe5ecef
    Platform: i386
    Version: Windows 7
    Host system: Linux
    Host version: 5.14.21-150400.24.33-default

If I start Word in repair mode, it sort of works. It loads all of Word, and then says "We're sorry, but Word has run into an error that is preventing it from working correctly. Word will need to be closed as a result.

Would you like us to repair now?"

If I click "Repair Now" the dialog box closes, and Word stays open for a few seconds, during which I can type, access menus, etc, until it closes.

Did you ever get anywhere with this? My gut tells me it has everything to do with the AMD GPU. I am running into the same issue with Fedora 37 on an Alienware M17 R5 that has an iGPU & dGPU that are both AMD Radeon cards (680M and the Radeon 6850 XT.) On my other laptop with Nvidia/intel, it works fine.

I know OpenSUSE Leap, and Fedora are weird with Vulkan, trying to figure out if that has anything to do with it.

Never got anywhere unfortunately. With Crossover 23, they're launching, but attempting to sign in crashes everything.

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