If you're like me, you've attempted to get Office 365 going in Crossover a few times and may or may not have multiple machines that you work with. I'd like to save you a headache if I can.
I spent a good while today trying to get Office to activate. It WOULD NOT, no matter what I did. Recreated the bottle (more than once), installed IE8, quit the bottle several times, tried the Support and Recovery Assist (which doesn't work at all, BTW) and was about ready to toss my laptop out a window.
Then... the light bulb came on. How many installs are currently registered under my account? Yep, that was it! I had 10 installs registered already so it wouldn't let me do another one. So, if you're having trouble, go cleanup the failed or old installs that are no longer valid for your account and then try again.
I still had to do the 'quit bottle' but then the next time I opened an app, it was registered with no issue.