I don't know if this is normal or not but lots of people keep saying that office is working perfectly for them, while for me it is incredibly laggy. Whenever I click a button or a menu option there is a 1-2 second dealy before it is highlighted or selected.
I wondered if it was because I have an nvidia graphics card and I am running the official nvidia drivers that are part of Ubuntu 20.04 so I tried enabling DXVK. All this does is load a black window for all office applications so have switched it off. (Any ideas on a fix for this would also be appraciated)
I am not sure if it is something with my setup or if the lag is normal. If so I will probably need to stop using it and return to my windows machine 😭
My system:
Crossover Linux 19.0.0
nvidia GTX650Ti
Ubuntu 20.04 (Gnome)
Office 365 (32bit)
Thanks for any help :)