I'm really at my wits end with this product. Yesterday I attempted to install Office 2016 three times using the updated installer. 17.1 is no better than 17.0. I am using Ubuntu 16.4.3 LTS with standard Intel graphics drivers. A few days ago, I tried this with Arch with the Wine provided in the Arch repositories, not the AUR, and had the same result. I have office 2016 icons in the scopes and office 2016 icons in the crossover launcher. The programs, I tried Word, Excel and Powerpoint, launch, but all I get is a totally white screen for each program. When I move the cursor over the white window, a text box or two appears regarding templates, documents etc. suggesting that the program launches, but that there is something wrong with whatever libraries are providing the display.
If I leave the program up a minute or two, I get the standard Microsoft pop up asking me if I want to activate office over the phone.
The log, you can generate, reports that there are no other libraries that are necessary to operate the programs only suggested ones.
When I run ps -A, bash reports all the normal wine related programs are operating, i.e. wineserver, the application executable, and the new click-to-run application that office uses when it runs in windows. In short, ps -A would indicate that everything is running fine, but it is not. There is something wrong with the graphics, ergo the program does not display properly.
I have all the recommended drivers, suggested by the Codeweavers staff over the past few days, installed. I have Office 2010 running just fine using wine-stable 3.0.
I am using a retail version of the Office 2016 Professional Plus installer that is downloaded from Microsoft that starts the largely on-line installation routine.
Please fix this.
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