The site does not make it clear at all which specific version(s) of Office 2016 Crossover 17 supports.
My setup:
Ubuntu 17.10 x64
Kernel: 4.13.0-17-generic
Video: Open Source NVIDIA binary driver nvidia-387 (387.34)
I have attempted to install the following and here are the results:
MS Office 2016 Pro Plus 32-bit
- Fails during installation with "We're sorry, we had a problem installing your Office program(s)"
Latest MS Office from Office 365 Subscription
- Completes installation, however the applications do not run right (shows garbled video output)
- Also, sometimes the activation window will show, but it will not allow activation over the internet resulting in the following error: "We're sorry, something went wrong and we can't do this for you right now. Please try again later. (0x8004FC10).
Are either of the above versions supported? If not, what specific versions are?