It seems really bizzarre, but I tried it several times:
With the trial version (both German (de-de) and English (en-us)) downloaded from
And mount the img file OfficeProfessionalPlus_x86_en-us.img to /mnt/iso.
(I also tried the technet downloaded iso's, same problem)
I am new to crossover, currently trying it.
So I noticed that crossover installs msxml6 before running the setup.exe
When the setup started, I first noticed: Hey this looks different, then what I know from wine:
Because the setup.exe starts with first asking you to enter a product key.
And then my problem:
And no matter what product key I entered, they all never worked (even though they should)!
So I did the test with wine (2.1 under archlinux):
When I create a fresh WINEPREFIX, set it to win7 and then install winetricks msxml6 and then run the setup, like so:
mkdir -p /virt/wines/ms.office2013
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/virt/wines/ms.office2013/ winetricks settings win7
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/virt/wines/ms.office2013/ winetricks msxml6
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/virt/wines/ms.office2013/ wine /mnt/iso/setup.exe
The behaviour of the setup changes as described above.
If I simply run:
mkdir -p /virt/wines/ms.office2013
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/virt/wines/ms.office2013/ winetricks settings win7
WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/virt/wines/ms.office2013/ wine /mnt/iso/setup.exe
then it works as expected:
Without installing the msxml6, I see a bunch of xml related messages in the output when launching the setup, but in this case the setup right away offers to configure and install ms office!
Should you then maybe not install msxml6 anymore ?
Thanks a lot in advance for any feedback!