Just loaded v 8.0.1 of CrossOver Mac, inserted FrontPage 2002 CD, all the dialogs, etc. appeared to function normally, but ended up with a short error message from the CrossOver Software Installer: "The installation failed" with a link to a very large installation log. It appears that most (all?) of the "pieces" are present; e.g., the FrontPage application shows this path:
MacintoshHD:Users:rjd:Library:Application Support:CrossOver:Bottles:win98:drive_c:Program Files:Microsoft Office:Office10:FRONTPG.EXE
The CrossOver Installer dialog has been "just sitting there" for a couple of hours; the only buttons available are "Eject" and "Cancel." Both "Force Installer Completion" and "Finished" are grayed out.
Despite the error message, I think it installed OK. I can open both IE5 (installed by the FP2002 installer) and FrontPage 2002. IE can browse the web, but FP refuses to open a remote web. I can open a local web on my hard drive, but nothing off site. At one point (only), I get a request for a user ID and password (which I supplied), but FP then crashed. Since reloading, I can't do anything remote with FP.
So, 2 questions--
Should I assume the install is OK and just hit "Cancel"? Or does the error message suggest complications?
Any idea what I need to do to load a remote web site for editing?