Running MSAccess 2000 in SuSe Linux 9.0 on a AMD K6-300 computer and SuSe Linux 9.1 on a P4-2MHZ, 512 mgs of ram on a Dell Computer.
The page setup function does not work on either compute. It does not matter if I'm working in form view or the report view.
The dialog box opens up ok, but when I click on the tabs, the box greys out. I have found that by switching to another desktop and back again would fix the greyout problem. I then proceed and change the page orientation to my particular needs and click OK, but nothing happens.
Has anyone come accross this particular problem?
By the way, the database that I'm using was converted from an earlier version for Access. (version 7.0 for win95)
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
It would be good to send this to the development team. I'm a new advocate, trying to find a way to bring this to their attention.