Game has blurred textures on walls.
Solution found by t800 on Wine HQ
Add the following line
DepthOfField=Falsein the file GamerSettings.ini
wine /home/username/BioWare/Mass\ Effect\
Sound doesn't work. Some at Wine HQ had more success with running the game exe instead of going through the launcher.
I found that if you open anything in the same bottle that the sound works everytime.
I just open the task manger for my MassEffect bottle the run the game through the normal launcher.
Strange but makes it work every time for me.
The other reason for having task manger open is so I can Alt-Tab when the game freezes to kill it.
Seems the game mainly freezes sometimes when loading the different levels of the Normandy.
Setting the affinity to one core did nothing for me. Actually made the game run slower.
Still need patches for mouse same as Mass Effect 1. The patch isn't perfect and is annoying when unlocking doors as sometimes the mouse jumps around.
Game runs fairly nice otherwise.