I managed to get Marketmaker (New Version 11 March 2009) installed in unsupported mode. In a Win2000 Bottle.
The installation went perfectly. The program went through the startup process OK, after logging into my account the program downloaded the updates.
While it was loading the "Requesting features list", I had 2 error messages: "PP:Failure" & "PP:Rejection". I closed those error messages and left the loading of the "Requesting features list" going. It took about 20 minutes to finish and then the "End User License" screen appeared. I accepted that and the program started.
Only problem is that Marketmaker can't stay connected to the server. It keeps connecting for 1 second, then says connection lost. The program does connect to the Internet as it does little sofware updates as you start using it. If I can find out why it won't stay connected to the server and fix that the program should be fully functional.
Anyone able to help?
Thanks in Advance.