I have used Lotus 651 on Crossover (on SuSE 9 and Fvwm2) on my homepc for more than a week now and I havent had any serious problems. To install is extremely easy ! Im for sure no Linux expert but this is a really easy product to get running. I tried Wine before but gave up.
I work as a Lotus Developer and mostly use the Designer client for developing databases. Prewieving in Internet Explorer (which was installed automatically), LotusScript agents, formula and everything else I use daily works.
Im sure i will buy a license for home use. I also plan to start using Linux on my work pc unless I discover any large showstoppers.
Only nsd crashes I have had is when I try to use the console in the admin client.
Furthermore there seems to be no speed issues either, switching to Linux at work seemes within reach 😊