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GOG.com version crashes on startup (CXG v10.0.1)

Well, not technically 'on' startup - I can hear the intro movie, but with just a black screen. When it ends, or when I hit escape to skip it, the screen goes white and I immediately get a "Lords2.exe has encountered a serious problem..." message and it dumps me back to the desktop.

Seems to happen every time, and was happening for me on earlier CXG versions as well, so it's not a sudden change. The bottle is just a bog-standard WinXP bottle created with the GOG.com installer. Not sure why I'm unable to run this game when most everyone else seems to have no problems - normally I can find some starting point to debug, as other people have seen the same thing, but in this case I've really no clue where to begin, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Full crash log here:

Command error text:
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000000 at address 0x4522b5 (thread 0018), starting debugger...
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0x004522b5).
Register dump:
 CS:0017 SS:001f DS:001f ES:001f FS:1007 GS:0037
 EIP:004522b5 ESP:0033db28 EBP:0033db5c EFLAGS:00010202(  R- --  I   - - - )
 EAX:00000000 EBX:42602044 ECX:0033db4c EDX:00000320
 ESI:42660cb0 EDI:00010064
Stack dump:
0x0033db28:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0x0033db38:  004ea180 00000010 00010064 42660cb0
0x0033db48:  42602044 00000000 00000000 0000027f
0x0033db58:  000001df 0033db74 00451f82 00000001
0x0033db68:  00010064 42660cb0 42602044 0033dbf8
0x0033db78:  004b2ab1 00010064 42660cb0 42602044
0200: sel=1007 base=7ffc0000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x004522b5 in lords2 (+0x522b5) (0x0033db5c)
  1 0x00451f82 in lords2 (+0x51f81) (0x0033db74)
  2 0x004b2ab1 in lords2 (+0xb2ab0) (0x0033dbf8)
  3 0x426016da WINPROC_wrapper+0x19() in user32 (0x0033dc28)
  4 0x4260208e UserRegisterWowHandlers+0x3dd() in user32 (0x0033dc68)
  5 0x42602d15 in user32 (+0xa2d14) (0x0033e138)
  6 0x42604ace CallWindowProcA+0x30d() in user32 (0x0033e188)
  7 0x425c5300 RegisterWindowMessageA+0x33f() in user32 (0x0033e1f8)
  8 0x425caa81 PeekMessageA+0xe40() in user32 (0x0033e278)
  9 0x425cafd5 SendMessageW+0x54() in user32 (0x0033e2b8)
  10 0x4258d884 DefDlgProcA+0xcf3() in user32 (0x0033e398)
  11 0x4258ebf3 DefWindowProcA+0xb2() in user32 (0x0033e3f8)
  12 0x004b3544 in lords2 (+0xb3543) (0x0033e498)
  13 0x426016da WINPROC_wrapper+0x19() in user32 (0x0033e4c8)
  14 0x4260208e UserRegisterWowHandlers+0x3dd() in user32 (0x0033e508)
  15 0x42602d15 in user32 (+0xa2d14) (0x0033e9d8)
  16 0x42604ace CallWindowProcA+0x30d() in user32 (0x0033ea28)
  17 0x425c5300 RegisterWindowMessageA+0x33f() in user32 (0x0033ea98)
  18 0x425caa81 PeekMessageA+0xe40() in user32 (0x0033eb18)
  19 0x425cafd5 SendMessageW+0x54() in user32 (0x0033eb58)
  20 0x425fdac4 in user32 (+0x9dac3) (0x0033ecd8)
  21 0x425fe6aa SetWindowPos+0xb9() in user32 (0x0033ed68)
  22 0x42f8fe2c in wined3d (+0x3fe2b) (0x0033edd8)
  23 0x426a526f in ddraw (+0x526e) (0x0033ee68)
  24 0x426a534b in ddraw (+0x534a) (0x0033eea8)
  25 0x426a8114 in ddraw (+0x8113) (0x0033eef8)
  26 0x426a8278 in ddraw (+0x8277) (0x0033ef48)
  27 0x0042eb52 in lords2 (+0x2eb51) (0x0033ef68)
  28 0x004b2910 in lords2 (+0xb290f) (0x0033ef80)
  29 0x004b33fd in lords2 (+0xb33fc) (0x0033f008)
  30 0x426016da WINPROC_wrapper+0x19() in user32 (0x0033f038)
  31 0x4260208e UserRegisterWowHandlers+0x3dd() in user32 (0x0033f078)
  32 0x4260482d CallWindowProcA+0x6c() in user32 (0x0033f0d8)
  33 0x42f8f975 in wined3d (+0x3f974) (0x0033f138)
  34 0x4304bc14 wined3d_mutex_lock+0x2b3() in wined3d (0x0033f188)
  35 0x426016da WINPROC_wrapper+0x19() in user32 (0x0033f1c8)
  36 0x4260208e UserRegisterWowHandlers+0x3dd() in user32 (0x0033f208)
  37 0x42602d15 in user32 (+0xa2d14) (0x0033f6d8)
  38 0x42604ace CallWindowProcA+0x30d() in user32 (0x0033f728)
  39 0x425c5300 RegisterWindowMessageA+0x33f() in user32 (0x0033f798)
  40 0x425caa81 PeekMessageA+0xe40() in user32 (0x0033f818)
  41 0x425cafd5 SendMessageW+0x54() in user32 (0x0033f858)
  42 0x425f41f6 EnumWindows+0x125() in user32 (0x0033f8c8)
  43 0x425f6463 DestroyWindow+0x1c2() in user32 (0x0033f918)
  44 0x4258dd1d in user32 (+0x2dd1c) (0x0033f9f8)
  45 0x4258ebf3 DefWindowProcA+0xb2() in user32 (0x0033fa58)
  46 0x004b3544 in lords2 (+0xb3543) (0x0033faf8)
  47 0x426016da WINPROC_wrapper+0x19() in user32 (0x0033fb28)
  48 0x4260208e UserRegisterWowHandlers+0x3dd() in user32 (0x0033fb68)
  49 0x4260482d CallWindowProcA+0x6c() in user32 (0x0033fbc8)
  50 0x42f8f975 in wined3d (+0x3f974) (0x0033fc28)
  51 0x4304bc14 wined3d_mutex_lock+0x2b3() in wined3d (0x0033fc78)
  52 0x426016da WINPROC_wrapper+0x19() in user32 (0x0033fcb8)
  53 0x4260208e UserRegisterWowHandlers+0x3dd() in user32 (0x0033fcf8)
  54 0x42604a2e CallWindowProcA+0x26d() in user32 (0x0033fd48)
  55 0x425c5e4f DispatchMessageA+0xae() in user32 (0x0033fe08)
  56 0x0040eb97 in lords2 (+0xeb96) (0x0033fe40)
  57 0x004c3555 in lords2 (+0xc3554) (0x0033fed0)
  58 0x7b84be3c call_process_entry+0xb() in kernel32 (0x0033fee8)
  59 0x7b84eb77 RegisterApplicationRestart+0xf6() in kernel32 (0x0033ff28)
  60 0x7bc64c6c call_thread_func+0xb() in ntdll (0x0033ff48)
  61 0x7bc670da call_thread_entry_point+0x79() in ntdll (0x0033ffc8)
  62 0x7bc3e20e LdrQueryProcessModuleInformation+0x1ad() in ntdll (0x0033ffe8)
0x004522b5: movl    0x0(%eax),%eax
Module    Address            Debug info    Name (165 modules)
ELF           0- 6101000    Stabs           <wine-loader>
PE      340000-  356000    Deferred        smackw32
PE      400000-  5e9000    Deferred        lords2
PE    40000000-40141000    Stabs           libwine.1.dylib
ELF    4049f000-404ff000    Deferred        advapi32<elf>
  \-PE    404b0000-404f6000    \               advapi32
ELF    40700000-40795000    Deferred        gdi32<elf>
  \-PE    40710000-4077d000    \               gdi32
ELF    40795000-407af000    Deferred        version<elf>
  \-PE    407a0000-407ae000    \               version
ELF    407af000-407f9000    Deferred        dsound<elf>
  \-PE    407c0000-407f6000    \               dsound
PE    407fc000-40800000    Deferred        libapplewm.7.dylib
ELF    4255a000-42690000    Stabs           user32<elf>
  \-PE    42560000-42661000    \               user32
ELF    42690000-426f0000    Stabs           ddraw<elf>
  \-PE    426a0000-426ed000    \               ddraw
ELF    426f0000-42786000    Deferred        winmm<elf>
  \-PE    42700000-42781000    \               winmm
ELF    42786000-427bd000    Deferred        dplayx<elf>
  \-PE    42790000-427bb000    \               dplayx
ELF    427bd000-428cf000    Deferred        ole32<elf>
  \-PE    427c0000-428b8000    \               ole32
ELF    428cf000-42945000    Deferred        rpcrt4<elf>
  \-PE    428e0000-4293c000    \               rpcrt4
PE    42945000-429bc000    Deferred        libfreetype.dylib
ELF    42aa0000-42b50000    Deferred        winex11<elf>
  \-PE    42ab0000-42b3f000    \               winex11
PE    42b50000-42b58000    Deferred        libsm.6.dylib
PE    42b58000-42b6c000    Deferred        libice.6.dylib
PE    42b6c000-42b7c000    Deferred        libxext.6.dylib
PE    42b7c000-42c5d000    Deferred        libx11.6.dylib
ELF    42c5d000-42c7f000    Deferred        imm32<elf>
  \-PE    42c60000-42c7d000    \               imm32
PE    42c7f000-42c82000    Deferred        libxinerama.1.dylib
PE    42c82000-42c87000    Deferred        libxxf86vm.1.dylib
PE    42c87000-42c8f000    Deferred        libxrender.1.dylib
PE    42c8f000-42c93000    Deferred        libxrandr.2.dylib
PE    42c93000-42cbc000    Deferred        libfontconfig.1.dylib
PE    42cbc000-42d31000    Deferred        libfreetype.6.dylib
PE    42d31000-42d56000    Deferred        libexpat.0.dylib
PE    42d56000-42d60000    Deferred        libxcursor.1.dylib
ELF    42f24000-42f49000    Deferred        wineosxime<elf>
  \-PE    42f30000-42f43000    \               wineosxime
ELF    42f4b000-4308c000    Stabs           wined3d<elf>
  \-PE    42f50000-43085000    \               wined3d
PE    4308e000-4310d000    Deferred        libgl.1.dylib
PE    4310d000-43122000    Deferred        libxplugin.1.dylib
PE    43145000-43171000    Deferred        glrendererfloat
ELF    431cc000-431f3000    Deferred        winecoreaudio<elf>
  \-PE    431d0000-431f0000    \               winecoreaudio
PE    431f3000-431fc000    Deferred        audioipcplugin
PE    43300000-434aa000    Deferred        glengine
PE    434aa000-438d8000    Deferred        atiradeonx2000gldriver
PE    438d8000-438e3000    Deferred        applehdahalplugin
ELF    43941000-4395a000    Deferred        msacm32<elf>
  \-PE    43950000-43959000    \               msacm32
ELF    4395a000-43982000    Deferred        msacm32<elf>
  \-PE    43960000-43980000    \               msacm32
PE    4402c000-4409d000    Deferred        coremidi
ELF    4409d000-440b3000    Deferred        midimap<elf>
  \-PE    440a0000-440b2000    \               midimap
ELF    7b800000-7b985000    Stabs           kernel32<elf>
  \-PE    7b810000-7b975000    \               kernel32
ELF    7bc00000-7bcbe000    Stabs           ntdll<elf>
  \-PE    7bc10000-7bc99000    \               ntdll
PE    90003000-9003f000    Deferred        dictionaryservices
PE    90099000-900b8000    Deferred        multitouchsupport
PE    90099000-900b8000    Deferred        multitouchsupport
PE    900ac000-901ba000    Deferred        cfnetwork
PE    9016d000-90170000    Deferred        veclib
PE    901d6000-901ed000    Deferred        libsasl2.2.dylib
PE    90269000-9027c000    Deferred        libz.1.dylib
PE    90278000-90331000    Deferred        securityfoundation
PE    904f4000-9051f000    Deferred        libjpeg.dylib
PE    9055b000-905ac000    Deferred        libglu.dylib
PE    9055b000-905ac000    Deferred        libglu.dylib
PE    905ff000-90615000    Deferred        opengl
PE    90627000-9062d000    Deferred        audiounit
PE    9068f000-907ba000    Deferred        libglprogrammability.dylib
PE    90a96000-90ab9000    Deferred        libpng.dylib
PE    90b03000-90bc5000    Deferred        ats
PE    90b9f000-90bac000    Deferred        commercecore
PE    90b9f000-90bac000    Deferred        commercecore
PE    9147b000-915a0000    Deferred        libxml2.2.dylib
PE    9157d000-91642000    Deferred        printcore
PE    91676000-91a0c000    Deferred        carboncore
PE    92924000-9298f000    Deferred        metadata
PE    92969000-92975000    Deferred        iosurface
PE    92b02000-92b0f000    Deferred        opendirectory
PE    92db8000-92dc0000    Deferred        coreservices
PE    92dc1000-92e9d000    Deferred        launchservices
PE    92fd1000-930a6000    Deferred        qd
PE    930a4000-930ea000    Deferred        libcups.2.dylib
PE    93111000-9318e000    Deferred        iokit
PE    9316f000-93178000    Deferred        libgif.dylib
PE    93174000-93306000    Deferred        coredata
PE    93442000-93449000    Deferred        securityhi
PE    93445000-9389d000    Deferred        libblas.dylib
PE    93445000-9389d000    Deferred        libblas.dylib
PE    93445000-9389d000    Deferred        libblas.dylib
PE    93b61000-93b6f000    Deferred        commonpanels
PE    93db5000-94219000    Deferred        hitoolbox
PE    940da000-940de000    Deferred        liblangid.dylib
PE    94283000-9428b000    Deferred        applicationservices
PE    942c9000-942d9000    Deferred        libkxld.dylib
PE    942d6000-942e9000    Deferred        speechrecognition
PE    942e1000-942e7000    Deferred        libradiance.dylib
PE    942e1000-942e7000    Deferred        libradiance.dylib
PE    9435f000-94364000    Deferred        trustevaluationagent
PE    94374000-9450a000    Deferred        audiotoolbox
PE    944a4000-944dd000    Deferred        libglimage.dylib
PE    94702000-9479b000    Deferred        coretext
PE    94702000-9479b000    Deferred        coretext
PE    947ea000-9483d000    Deferred        libauto.dylib
PE    94981000-949aa000    Deferred        cfopendirectory
PE    9499a000-949c6000    Deferred        directoryservice
PE    94cea000-94d07000    Deferred        libbsm.0.dylib
PE    94cea000-94d07000    Deferred        libbsm.0.dylib
PE    94ea7000-94eaa000    Deferred        carbon
PE    94ea8000-94f10000    Deferred        familycontrols
PE    94ea8000-94f10000    Deferred        familycontrols
PE    95721000-9573f000    Deferred        langanalysis
PE    95755000-9583c000    Deferred        colorsync
PE    95806000-9657f000    Deferred        appkit
PE    95806000-9657f000    Deferred        appkit
PE    95806000-9657f000    Deferred        appkit
PE    95806000-9657f000    Deferred        appkit
PE    960e7000-9610c000    Deferred        libexpat.1.dylib
PE    961f7000-96632000    Deferred        quartzcore
PE    96966000-969b1000    Deferred        libvdsp.dylib
PE    969a9000-969b2000    Deferred        libgfxshared.dylib
PE    969ca000-96a36000    Deferred        navigationservices
PE    96ae0000-96cc4000    Deferred        libicucore.a.dylib
PE    96cdd000-96d94000    Deferred        kerberos
PE    96da1000-96e79000    Deferred        ink
PE    97167000-971ed000    Deferred        htmlrendering
PE    97167000-971ed000    Deferred        htmlrendering
PE    9727b000-972b1000    Deferred        corevideo
PE    97d87000-97d8f000    Deferred        help
PE    97d8b000-980c9000    Deferred        security
PE    98038000-9809b000    Deferred        coreui
PE    98038000-9809b000    Deferred        coreui
PE    9810e000-98138000    Deferred        libresolv.9.dylib
PE    9813c000-98166000    Deferred        opencl
PE    9813c000-98166000    Deferred        opencl
PE    98169000-981e5000    Deferred        hiservices
PE    9838c000-983a6000    Deferred        libgl.dylib
PE    988d3000-988e2000    Deferred        print
PE    98914000-9892a000    Deferred        netfs
PE    98923000-98b36000    Deferred        imageio
PE    98bce000-98c28000    Deferred        systemconfiguration
PE    98c0c000-98c14000    Deferred        libcorevmclient.dylib
PE    98c0c000-98c14000    Deferred        libcorevmclient.dylib
PE    990b8000-990e4000    Deferred        openscripting
PE    990d5000-9914d000    Deferred        libvmisc.dylib
PE    990d5000-9914d000    Deferred        libvmisc.dylib
PE    99324000-9944d000    Deferred        osservices
PE    993f1000-99445000    Deferred        libtiff.dylib
PE    9943b000-99591000    Deferred        libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib
PE    99540000-99686000    Deferred        libfontparser.dylib
PE    99540000-99686000    Deferred        libfontparser.dylib
PE    996b1000-9971a000    Deferred        passwordserver
PE    997c5000-998b0000    Deferred        vimage
PE    999d0000-999e4000    Deferred        libcsync.a.dylib
process  tid      prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000008 winewrapper.exe
    00000009    0
0000000c services.exe
    00000012    0
    0000000e    0
    0000000d    0
0000000f winedevice.exe
    00000016    0
    00000015    0
    00000011    0
    00000010    0
00000017 (D) C:\Program Files\GOG.com\LOTR_RE\Lords2\Lords2.exe
    00000023    0
    0000001c   15
    0000001b    0
    00000018    0 <==
00000019 explorer.exe
    0000001a    0
=>0 0x004522b5 in lords2 (+0x522b5) (0x0033db5c)
  1 0x00451f82 in lords2 (+0x51f81) (0x0033db74)
  2 0x004b2ab1 in lords2 (+0xb2ab0) (0x0033dbf8)
  3 0x426016da WINPROC_wrapper+0x19() in user32 (0x0033dc28)
  4 0x4260208e UserRegisterWowHandlers+0x3dd() in user32 (0x0033dc68)
  5 0x42602d15 in user32 (+0xa2d14) (0x0033e138)
  6 0x42604ace CallWindowProcA+0x30d() in user32 (0x0033e188)
  7 0x425c5300 RegisterWindowMessageA+0x33f() in user32 (0x0033e1f8)
  8 0x425caa81 PeekMessageA+0xe40() in user32 (0x0033e278)
  9 0x425cafd5 SendMessageW+0x54() in user32 (0x0033e2b8)
  10 0x4258d884 DefDlgProcA+0xcf3() in user32 (0x0033e398)
  11 0x4258ebf3 DefWindowProcA+0xb2() in user32 (0x0033e3f8)
  12 0x004b3544 in lords2 (+0xb3543) (0x0033e498)
  13 0x426016da WINPROC_wrapper+0x19() in user32 (0x0033e4c8)
  14 0x4260208e UserRegisterWowHandlers+0x3dd() in user32 (0x0033e508)
  15 0x42602d15 in user32 (+0xa2d14) (0x0033e9d8)
  16 0x42604ace CallWindowProcA+0x30d() in user32 (0x0033ea28)
  17 0x425c5300 RegisterWindowMessageA+0x33f() in user32 (0x0033ea98)
  18 0x425caa81 PeekMessageA+0xe40() in user32 (0x0033eb18)
  19 0x425cafd5 SendMessageW+0x54() in user32 (0x0033eb58)
  20 0x425fdac4 in user32 (+0x9dac3) (0x0033ecd8)
  21 0x425fe6aa SetWindowPos+0xb9() in user32 (0x0033ed68)
  22 0x42f8fe2c in wined3d (+0x3fe2b) (0x0033edd8)
  23 0x426a526f in ddraw (+0x526e) (0x0033ee68)
  24 0x426a534b in ddraw (+0x534a) (0x0033eea8)
  25 0x426a8114 in ddraw (+0x8113) (0x0033eef8)
  26 0x426a8278 in ddraw (+0x8277) (0x0033ef48)
  27 0x0042eb52 in lords2 (+0x2eb51) (0x0033ef68)
  28 0x004b2910 in lords2 (+0xb290f) (0x0033ef80)
  29 0x004b33fd in lords2 (+0xb33fc) (0x0033f008)
  30 0x426016da WINPROC_wrapper+0x19() in user32 (0x0033f038)
  31 0x4260208e UserRegisterWowHandlers+0x3dd() in user32 (0x0033f078)
  32 0x4260482d CallWindowProcA+0x6c() in user32 (0x0033f0d8)
  33 0x42f8f975 in wined3d (+0x3f974) (0x0033f138)
  34 0x4304bc14 wined3d_mutex_lock+0x2b3() in wined3d (0x0033f188)
  35 0x426016da WINPROC_wrapper+0x19() in user32 (0x0033f1c8)
  36 0x4260208e UserRegisterWowHandlers+0x3dd() in user32 (0x0033f208)
  37 0x42602d15 in user32 (+0xa2d14) (0x0033f6d8)
  38 0x42604ace CallWindowProcA+0x30d() in user32 (0x0033f728)
  39 0x425c5300 RegisterWindowMessageA+0x33f() in user32 (0x0033f798)
  40 0x425caa81 PeekMessageA+0xe40() in user32 (0x0033f818)
  41 0x425cafd5 SendMessageW+0x54() in user32 (0x0033f858)
  42 0x425f41f6 EnumWindows+0x125() in user32 (0x0033f8c8)
  43 0x425f6463 DestroyWindow+0x1c2() in user32 (0x0033f918)
  44 0x4258dd1d in user32 (+0x2dd1c) (0x0033f9f8)
  45 0x4258ebf3 DefWindowProcA+0xb2() in user32 (0x0033fa58)
  46 0x004b3544 in lords2 (+0xb3543) (0x0033faf8)
  47 0x426016da WINPROC_wrapper+0x19() in user32 (0x0033fb28)
  48 0x4260208e UserRegisterWowHandlers+0x3dd() in user32 (0x0033fb68)
  49 0x4260482d CallWindowProcA+0x6c() in user32 (0x0033fbc8)
  50 0x42f8f975 in wined3d (+0x3f974) (0x0033fc28)
  51 0x4304bc14 wined3d_mutex_lock+0x2b3() in wined3d (0x0033fc78)
  52 0x426016da WINPROC_wrapper+0x19() in user32 (0x0033fcb8)
  53 0x4260208e UserRegisterWowHandlers+0x3dd() in user32 (0x0033fcf8)
  54 0x42604a2e CallWindowProcA+0x26d() in user32 (0x0033fd48)
  55 0x425c5e4f DispatchMessageA+0xae() in user32 (0x0033fe08)
  56 0x0040eb97 in lords2 (+0xeb96) (0x0033fe40)
  57 0x004c3555 in lords2 (+0xc3554) (0x0033fed0)
  58 0x7b84be3c call_process_entry+0xb() in kernel32 (0x0033fee8)
  59 0x7b84eb77 RegisterApplicationRestart+0xf6() in kernel32 (0x0033ff28)
  60 0x7bc64c6c call_thread_func+0xb() in ntdll (0x0033ff48)
  61 0x7bc670da call_thread_entry_point+0x79() in ntdll (0x0033ffc8)
  62 0x7bc3e20e LdrQueryProcessModuleInformation+0x1ad() in ntdll (0x0033ffe8)

Edit: Doh, forgot to mention. Using Crossover Games Mac, running Snow Leopard 10.6.6 on an iMac 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, graphics are an ATI Radeon HD2600.

this game will only run right if you run it in a virtual desktop.

Thanks for the advice. I'd tried running it in a virtual desktop, but sadly, to the same result.

Doubting myself, I tried running it again with the virtual desktop on, this time making sure the resolution was the same as the game's resolution (640x480). Sure enough, it worked with no issues, so apparently my problem was that the game doesn't like running in anything other than its native res.

Thanks again!

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